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ctfconvert(1) [freebsd man page]

CTFCONVERT(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 					     CTFCONVERT(1)

ctfconvert -- convert debug data to CTF data SYNOPSIS
ctfconvert [-gis] -l label -L labelenv [-o outfile] object_file DESCRIPTION
The ctfconvert utility converts debug information from a binary file to CTF data and replaces the debug section of that file with a CTF sec- tion called SUNW_ctf. This new section is added to the input file, unless the -o option is present. You can also opt to keep the original debugging section with the -g option. The following options are available: -l label Sets the label as label. -L labelenv Instructs ctfconvert to read the label from the environment variable labelenv. -g Don't delete the original debugging section. -i Ignore object files built from other languages than C. -s Use the .dynsym ELF section instead of the .symtab ELF section. -o outfile Write the output to file in outfile. EXIT STATUS
The ctfconvert utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. SEE ALSO
ctfdump(1), ctfmerge(1) HISTORY
The ctfconvert utility first appeared in FreeBSD 7.0. AUTHORS
The CTF utilities came from OpenSolaris. BSD
July 7, 2010 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

CTFDUMP(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						CTFDUMP(1)

ctfdump -- dump the SUNW_ctf section of an ELF file SYNOPSIS
ctfdump [-dfhlsSt] -u file file DESCRIPTION
The ctfdump utility dumps the contents of the CTF data section (SUNW_ctf) present in an ELF binary file. This section was previously created with ctfconvert(1) or ctfmerge(1). The following options are available: -d Show the data object section. -f Show the function section. -h Show the header. -l Show the label section. -s Show the string table. -S Show statistics. -t Show the type section. -u ufile Write the uncompressed CTF data to a raw CTF file called ufile. EXIT STATUS
The ctfdump utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. SEE ALSO
ctfconvert(1), ctfmerge(1) HISTORY
The ctfdump utility first appeared in FreeBSD 7.0. AUTHORS
The CTF utilities came from OpenSolaris. BSD
July 7, 2010 BSD
Man Page

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