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bsdiff(1) [freebsd man page]

BSDIFF(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						 BSDIFF(1)

bsdiff -- generate a patch between two binary files SYNOPSIS
bsdiff oldfile newfile patchfile DESCRIPTION
The bsdiff utility compares oldfile to newfile and writes to patchfile a binary patch suitable for use by bspatch(1). When oldfile and newfile are two versions of an executable program, the patches produced are on average a factor of five smaller than those produced by any other binary patch tool known to the author. The bsdiff utility uses memory equal to 17 times the size of oldfile, and requires an absolute minimum working set size of 8 times the size of oldfile. SEE ALSO
bspatch(1) AUTHORS
Colin Percival <> BUGS
The bsdiff utility does not store the hashes of oldfile or newfile in patchfile. As a result, it is possible to apply a patch to the wrong file; this will usually produce garbage. It is recommended that users of bsdiff store the hashes of oldfile and newfile and compare against them before and after applying patchfile. BSD
May 18, 2003 BSD

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CP(1)							      General Commands Manual							     CP(1)

cp, cpdir - file copy SYNOPSIS
cp [-pifsmrRvx] file1 file2 cp [-pifsrRvx] file ... directory cpdir [-ifvx] file1 file2 OPTIONS
-p Preserve full mode, uid, gid and times -i Ask before removing existing file -f Forced remove existing file -s Make similar, copy some attributes -m Merge trees, disable the into-a-directory trick -r Copy directory trees with link structure, etc. intact -R Copy directory trees and treat special files as ordinary -v Display what cp is doing -x Do not cross device boundaries EXAMPLES
cp oldfile newfile # Copy oldfile to newfile cp -R dir1 dir2 # Copy a directory tree DESCRIPTION
Cp copies one file to another, or copies one or more files to a directory. Special files are normally opened and read, unless -r is used. -r also copies the link structure, something -R doesn't care about. The -s option differs from -p that it only copies the times if the target file already exists. A normal copy only copies the mode of the file, with the file creation mask applied. Set-uid bits are cleared if the owner cannot be set. (The -s flag does not patronize you by clearing bits. Alas -s and -r are nonstandard.) Cpdir is a convenient synonym for cp -psmr to make a precise copy of a directory tree. SEE ALSO
cat(1), mkdir(1), rmdir(1), ln(1), rm(1). CP(1)
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