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popularity-contest(8) [debian man page]


popularity-contest - list the most popular Debian packages SYNOPSIS
popularity-contest DESCRIPTION
The popularity-contest command gathers information about Debian packages installed on the system, and prints the name of the most recently used executable program in that package as well as its last-accessed time (atime) and last-attribute-changed time (ctime) to stdout. When aggregated with the output of popularity-contest from many other systems, this information is valuable because it can be used to determine which Debian packages are commonly installed, used, or installed and never used. This helps Debian maintainers make decisions such as which packages should be installed by default on new systems. The resulting statistic is available from the project home page Normally, popularity-contest is run from a cron(8) job, /etc/cron.daily/popularity-contest, which automatically submits the results to Debian package maintainers (only once a week) according to the settings in /etc/popularity-contest.conf and /usr/share/popularity-con- test/default.conf. SEE ALSO
The popularity-contest FAQ at /usr/share/doc/popularity-contest/FAQ popcon-largest-unused(8), cron(8) Additional documentation is in /usr/share/doc/popularity-contest/. AUTHOR
Avery Pennarun <>. Debian/GNU Linux November 2001 POPULARITY-CONTEST(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

popbugs(1)							  debian-goodies							popbugs(1)

popbugs - find RC bugs in packages you commonly use SYNOPSIS
popbugs [options] [popularity-contest log] DESCRIPTION
The popbugs program fetches the list of release critical bugs from the Debian bug tracking system on the internet. It correlates the bug log with the popularity-contest data from your system to obtain a list of release critical bugs in packages, which are commonly used on your system. Normally this list is displayed in a web browser. Helping to resolve these bugs is a good idea, if you want to see your favourite programs in the next stable release of Debian. OPTIONS
-h --help Show a very short usage message. -ooutputfile --output=outputfile Place the output in outputfile instead of displaying it in a browser. -d --debug Output debugging information. SEE ALSO
rc-alert(1), popularity-contest(8) AUTHOR
The popbugs program is copyright (C) 2001 Matt Zimmerman <>. This manual page is copyright (C) 2004 Jochen VoB <>. debian-goodies January 10 2004 popbugs(1)
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