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install-keymap(8) [debian man page]

INSTALL-KEYMAP(8)					      System Manager's Manual						 INSTALL-KEYMAP(8)

install-keymap -- expand a given keymap and install it as boot-time keymap SYNOPSIS
install-keymap [keymap-name | NONE | KERNEL] DESCRIPTION
install-keymap usually takes a keymap-name as argument. The file is passed to loadkeys for loading, so that valid values for this argument are the same than that of arguments to loadkeys. install-keymap expands include-like statements in that file, and puts the result in /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz, which will be loaded into the kernel at boot-time. One may also specify KERNEL instead of a keymap name, causing /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz to be removed, making sure that no custom keymap will replace the kernel's builtin keymap at next reboot. An argument of NONE tells the command to do nothing. It can be used by caller scripts to avoid handling this special case and needlessly duplicate code. The purpose of this processing is to solve an annoying problem, of 2 apparently conflicting issues. The first one is an important goal of keymap management in Debian, namely ensuring that whenever the user or admin is expected to use the keyboard, the keymap selected as boot- time keymap is in use; this means the keymap has to be loaded before a shell is ever proposed, which means very early in the booting process, and especially before all local filesystems are mounted (/etc/rcS.d/ can spawn sulogin). The second issue is that for flexibility we allow that /usr or /usr/share may live on their own partition(s), and thus /usr/share/keymaps, where keymap files live, may not be available for reading at the time we need a keymap file. And no, we won't put 1Mb of keymaps in the root partition just for this. And the problem is, most keymap files are not self-contained, so it does not help to just copy the selected file into the root partition. The best known solution so far is to expand the keymap file so that it becomes self-contained, and put it in the root partition. That's what this tool does. FILES
/etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz Where the boot-time keymap is stored SEE ALSO
loadkeys (8). AUTHOR
This program and manual page were written by Yann Dirson for the Debian GNU/Linux system, but as it should not include any Debian-specific code, it may be used by others. INSTALL-KEYMAP(8)

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IOK(1)							      General Commands Manual							    IOK(1)

iok- Indic Onscreen Keyboard SYNOPSIS
iok [-a] [-h] [-d 1] [-n LANGCODE] DESCRIPTION
Indic Onscreen Keyboard currently shows Inscript and Inscript2 keymaps for 22 official Indian languages. The languages are Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kokani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu. The iok application runs in default and advanced mode. In default mode, iok starts by loading Inscript2 keymap of the current locale. If keymap is not installed or available then iok shows keymap list in the default mode. User can then select any keymap from keymap list if he want to write using it. In the advanced mode, iok allows one to open non-supported keymaps. If keymap can be parsed by iok then it will be showed in iok UI otherwise it will show error message that iok can't load this keymap. Advanced mode also allows one to create custom keymap by either swap- ping or re-assigning character mappings in the existing loaded keymap in iok. Another feature iok supports is Drag and Drop. This will allow user to swap character mappings using mouse. The keymap list shows Inscript and Inscript2 keymaps from location /usr/share/m17n and ~/.m17n.d path. To start iok in normal mode from console, use following command iok To start iok in advanced mode from console, use following command iok -a To start iok in any supported Inscript2 keymap (say in Marathi) use following command iok -n mr As Inscript2 keymap naming also uses language script code for some languages, command to open those keymaps is like this iok -n pa-guru where pa is a isocode name for the Punjabi language and guru is a language script code name in which keymap is written. To use Drag and Drop feature of iok, start iok from console as iok -d 1 The Draft version of Inscript2 keymaps are available at This project is available at or OPTIONS
-a It shows the menus and combo box in iok UI -h It show the help -d 1 This will enable Drag and Drop feature only for the single iok invocation. Otherwise iok has disabled Drag and Drop by default. -n LANGCODE In the place of LANGCODE,you need to specify a particular language code. Shows iok UI for that particular language. This will also requires language script code. e.g. for Bodo, Dogri, Kokani, Nepali, Sindhi use its langcode and "-deva" as a language script code. To start iok using Kokani keymap, run "iok -n kok-deva" AUTHOR
Suji A <> , Parag <> March 12, 2012 IOK(1)
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