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ibqueryerrors(8) [debian man page]

IBQUERYERRORS(8)						OpenIB Diagnostics						  IBQUERYERRORS(8)

NAME - query and report non-zero IB port counters SYNOPSIS [-a -c -r -R -C <ca_name> -P <ca_port> -s <err1,err2,...> -S <switch_guid> -D <direct_route> -d] DESCRIPTION reports the port counters of switches. This is similar to ibcheckerrors with the additional ability to filter out selected errors, include the optional transmit and receive data counters, report actions to remedy a non-zero count, and report full link information for the link reported. OPTIONS
-a Report an action to take. Some of the counters are not errors in and of themselves. This reports some more information on what the counters mean and what actions can/should be taken if they are non-zero. -c Suppress some of the common "side effect" counters. These counters usually do not indicate an error condition and can be usually be safely ignored. -r Report the port information. This includes LID, port, external port (if applicable), link speed setting, remote GUID, remote port, remote external port (if applicable), and remote node description information. -R Recalculate the ibnetdiscover information, ie do not use the cached information. This option is slower but should be used if the diag tools have not been used for some time or if there are other reasons to believe that the fabric has changed. -s <err1,err2,...> Suppress the errors listed in the comma separated list provided. -S <switch_guid> Report results only for the switch specified. (hex format) -D <direct_route> Report results only for the switch specified by the direct route path. -d Include the optional transmit and receive data counters. -C <ca_name> use the specified ca_name for the search. -P <ca_port> use the specified ca_port for the search. AUTHOR
Ira Weiny <> OpenIB Jan 24, 2008 IBQUERYERRORS(8)

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IBSTAT(8)							OpenIB Diagnostics							 IBSTAT(8)

ibstat - query basic status of InfiniBand device(s) SYNOPSIS
ibstat [-d(ebug)] [-l(ist_of_cas)] [-s(hort)] [-p(ort_list)] [-V(ersion)] [-h] <ca_name> [portnum] DESCRIPTION
ibstat is a binary which displays basic information obtained from the local IB driver. Output includes LID, SMLID, port state, link width active, and port physical state. It is similar to the ibstatus utility but implemented as a binary rather than a script. It has options to list CAs and/or ports and dis- plays more information than ibstatus. OPTIONS
-l, --list_of_cas list all IB devices -s, --short short output -p, --port_list show port list ca_name InfiniBand device name portnum port number of InfiniBand device COMMON OPTIONS
Most OpenIB diagnostics take the following common flags. The exact list of supported flags per utility can be found in the usage message and can be shown using the util_name -h syntax. # Debugging flags -d raise the IB debugging level. May be used several times (-ddd or -d -d -d). -e show send and receive errors (timeouts and others) -h show the usage message -v increase the application verbosity level. May be used several times (-vv or -v -v -v) -V show the version info. # Addressing flags -D use directed path address arguments. The path is a comma separated list of out ports. Examples: "0" # self port "0,1,2,1,4" # out via port 1, then 2, ... -G use GUID address argument. In most cases, it is the Port GUID. Example: "0x08f1040023" -s <smlid> use 'smlid' as the target lid for SM/SA queries. # Other common flags: -C <ca_name> use the specified ca_name. -P <ca_port> use the specified ca_port. -t <timeout_ms> override the default timeout for the solicited mads. Multiple CA/Multiple Port Support When no IB device or port is specified, the port to use is selected by the following criteria: 1. the first port that is ACTIVE. 2. if not found, the first port that is UP (physical link up). If a port and/or CA name is specified, the user request is attempted to be fulfilled, and will fail if it is not possible. EXAMPLES
ibstat # display status of all ports on all IB devices ibstat -l # list all IB devices ibstat -p # show port guids ibstat mthca0 2 # show status of port 2 of 'mthca0' SEE ALSO
ibstatus(8) AUTHOR
Hal Rosenstock <> OpenIB July 25, 2006 IBSTAT(8)
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