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gpt-query(8) [debian man page]

GPT-QUERY(8)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					      GPT-QUERY(8)

gpt-query - Queries an installation for packages SYNOPSIS
gpt-query [-name=Name -flavor=Flavor -pkgtype=Type --help -file=name -man -deps=run|sdk] [pkgname-flavor-pkgtype+] DESCRIPTION
gpt-query searches installed packages for matches to the query. Name is the name of the package. Flavor is the information about linking and compile options used on package. Type is the type of the package. ? will alow the use to access system help. The user may enter a value for any of the options. These options can be used in combination or not at all. The script will take the options being used and try to find all matching items. An alternate form is to use the pkgname-flavor-pkgtype tuples. Multiple of instances of these tuples can be used in a query. OPTIONS
-name=NAME Returns all of the packages matching NAME. -flavor=FLAVOR Returns all of the packages matching FLAVOR. -pkgtype=TYPE Returns all of the packages matching TYPE. -file=FILE Returns the package owning the FILE. FILE needs to be either an absolute path or referenced to $GLOBUS_LOCATION. -deps=run|sdk Returns the runtime or build dependencies of a package. -help Print a brief help message and exits. -man Prints the manual page and exits. -version Prints the version of GPT and exits. -what-bundles Prints a list of the installed bundles. -verify-bundle=BUNDLE Takes a bundle defintion and checks to see if it matches the installation. -bundle-packages=BUNDLE List the packages that belong to the desired bundle. -bundle BUNDLE 1 [BUNDLE 2] If two bundles are given, the bundles will be compared to one another for equality. If only one bundle is given, the bundle will be checked against the installation. This command works on tar bundles. EXAMPLES
gpt-query Returns a listing of all of the installed packages. gpt-query -name=foo Returns all flavors and package types with the name "foo". gpt-query foo Also returns all flavors and package types with the name "foo". gpt-query 'foo-*-*' A third way of typing the same query. Note the single quotes. gpt-query '*-noflavor-*' List all of the packages with a 'noflavor' build flavor. gpt-query -file=libexec/ Returns "/libexec/ is owned by globus_core-gcc32-rtl" gpt-query -file=$GLOBUS_LOCATION/libexec/ Returns the same. gpt-query Returns an error because the path is incorrect. OUTPUT
Here is an example output: gpt-query '*-noflavor-*' 4 packages were found in /home/mbletzin/work/install that matched your query: packages found that matched your query globus_core-noflavor-data ver: 2.1 cmp id: 2.1.0 globus_core_setup-noflavor-pgm ver: 2.0 cmp id: 2.0.0 globus_ssl_utils-noflavor-data ver: 2.1 cmp id: 2.1.0 kca_setup-noflavor-pgm ver: 3.0.2p1 cmp id: 1.0.0 For each package name, flavor, package type, version, and the compatibility identifier is return. The compatibility identifier is what is used to resolve dependencies. SEE ALSO
gpt-install(8) gpt-uninstall(8) gpt-verify(8) gpt-postinstall(8) AUTHOR
Michael Bletzinger <> and Eric Blau <> perl v5.14.2 2012-04-30 GPT-QUERY(8)

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GRID-CA-PACKAGE(1)						  Globus Commands						GRID-CA-PACKAGE(1)

grid-ca-package - Prepare a CA certificate, configuration, and policy for distribution SYNOPSIS
grid-ca-package [-help] [-h] [-usage] [-version] [-versions] grid-ca-package [-ca HASH] [-g] [-b] [-r] [-d] DESCRIPTION
The grid-ca-package utility creates a tarball containing an RPM spec file and the files needed to use a CA with grid tools. It optionally will also create a GPT package for distributing a CA. By default, the grid-ca-package utility displays a list of installed grid CA and prompts for which CA to package. It then creates a tarball containing the CA certificate, signing policy, CA configuration files, and an spec script to generate a binary RPM package containing the CA. If the CA hash is known prior to running grid-ca-package, it may provided as an argument to the -ca parameter to avoid prompting. In addition to generating a spec script and tarball, grid-ca-package creates a GPT package if either the -g or -b options are used on the command-line. These packages may be used to distribute a CA and configuration to systems which do not support RPM packages. The grid-ca-package utility writes the package tarballs to the current working directory. The full set of command-line options to grid-ca-package follows. -help, -h, -usage Display the command-line options to grid-ca-package and exit. -version, -versions Display the version number of the grid-ca-package command. The second form includes more details. -ca CA Use the CA whose name matches the hash string CA. When invoked with this option, grid-ca-package runs non-interactively. -g Create a GPT binary package in addition to the RPM script tarball. This package may be installed on other systems using the gpt-install program. -b Create a GPT binary package with GPT metadata located in the path expected by GPT 3.2 (used in Globus 2.0.0-5.0.x) instead of ${datadir}/globus/packages as used in Globus 5.2.x. This option overrides the -g command-line option. -r Create a binary RPM package for the CA. This option currently only works on RPM-based distributions. -d Create a binary Debian package for the CA. This option currently only works on Debian-based distributions. EXAMPLES
Package a Simple CA with hash 0146c503 % grid-ca-package -ca 0146c503 Creating RPM source tarball... done globus_simple_ca_0146c503.tar.gz ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
The following environment variables affect the execution of grid-ca-package: GLOBUS_LOCATION Non-standard installation path of the Globus toolkit. SEE ALSO
grid-cert-request(1), grid-ca-sign(1), grid-default-ca(1), grid-ca-create(1) AUTHOR
University of Chicago Globus Toolkit 5.2.0 07/22/2011 GRID-CA-PACKAGE(1)
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