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polish(5) [debian man page]

POLISH(5)							      Debian								 POLISH(5)

polish - a list of Polish words DESCRIPTION
/usr/share/dict/polish is an ASCII file which contains an alphabetic list of words, one per line. FILES
/etc/dictionaries-common/words is a symbolic link to a /usr/share/dict/<language> file. /usr/share/dict/words is a symbolic link to /etc/dictionaries-common/words, and is the name by which other software should refer to the system word list. See select-default-wordlist(8) for more information. The directory /usr/share/dict can contain word lists for many languages, with name of the language in English, e.g., /usr/share/dict/french and /usr/share/dict/danish contain respectively lists of French and Danish words if they exist. Such lists should be coded using the UTF-8 character set encoding. SEE ALSO
ispell(1), select-default-wordlist(8), and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. HISTORY
The words lists are not specific, and may be generated from any number of sources. The system word list used to be /usr/dict/words. For compatibility, software should check that location if /usr/share/dict/words does not exist. AUTHOR
Word lists are collected and maintained by various authors. Debian Project March 29th, 2011 POLISH(5)

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WORDS(5)						     Linux Programmers Manual							  WORDS(5)

irish - a list of Irish words DESCRIPTION
/usr/share/dict/irish is an ASCII file which contains an alphabetic list of words, one per line. FILES
/etc/dictionaries-common/words is a symbolic link to a /usr/share/dict/<language> file. /usr/share/dict/words is a symbolic link to /etc/dictionaries-common/words, and is the name by which other software should refer to the system word list. See select-default- wordlist(8) for more information. The directory /usr/share/dict can contain word lists for many languages, with name of the language in English, e.g., /usr/share/dict/french and /usr/share/dict/danish contain respectively lists of French and Danish words if they exist. Such lists should be coded using the ISO 8859-1 character set encoding. SEE ALSO
ispell(1), select-default-wordlist(8), and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. HISTORY
The words lists are not specific, and may be generated from any number of sources. The system word list used to be /usr/dict/words. For compatibility, software should check that location if /usr/share/dict/words does not exist. AUTHOR
Alastair McKibstry <> Kevin Scannell Linux 29 Sept 1998 WORDS(5)
Man Page

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