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colorgccrc(5) [debian man page]

COLORGCCRC(5)							File Formats Manual						     COLORGCCRC(5)

colorgccrc - configuration file for colorgcc DESCRIPTION
A colorgccrc configuration file is used to configure the highlighting of the compiler output from colorgcc. SYNTAX
Each line consists of a keyword designating a configuration variable. The keyword is followed by `:' and then one or several values (depending on the keyword). Lines beginning with a hash mark `#' are comments. CONFIGURATION VARIABLES
g++ | gcc | c++ | cc | g77 | gcj | gnat | gpc Specifies the paths to the compilers. Takes one value; a path to the compiler. nocolor Specifies what terminal types colorization should be disabled on. Takes one or several values, separated by whitespace. srcColor Specifies the highlighting attributes source-code should be given. Takes one or several color attributes. See the section COLOR ATTRIBUTES for more information. introColor Specifies the highlighting attributes for normal compiler output. Takes one or several color attributes. See the section COLOR ATTRIBUTES for more information. warningFileNameColor | errorFileNameColor Specifies the highlighting attributes for the filename in a warning or an error, respectively. Takes one or several color attributes. See the section COLOR ATTRIBUTES for more information. warningNumberColor | errorNumberColor Specifies the highlighting attributes for the line-number in a warning or an error, respectively. Takes one or several color attributes. See the section COLOR ATTRIBUTES for more information. warningMessageColor | errorMessageColor Specifies the highlighting attributes for the message-text in a warning or an error, respectively. Takes one or several color attributes. See the section COLOR ATTRIBUTES for more information. COLOR ATTRIBUTES
The following attributes are valid for highlighting. clear, reset bold, underline, underscore, blink, reverse, concealed black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white on_black, on_red, on_green, on_yellow, on_blue, on_magenta, on_cyan, on_white SEE ALSO
gcc(1), colorgcc(1) HISTORY
Jan 15 2003: Initial version of this manual-page. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <> AUTHORS
Jamie Moyers <> is the author of colorgcc. This manual page was written by Joe Wreschnig <>, and modified by David Weinehall <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2003 Jamie Moyers This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICU- LAR PURPOSE. Jan 15, 2003 COLORGCCRC(5)

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DDTCRC.5(5)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					       DDTCRC.5(5)

.ddtcrc - ddtc script configuration file. DESCRIPTION
This is the configuration file for ddtc. If it exists, it must be at the top of your home directory ($HOME). This file is optional unless you don't want to use default values. Lines beginning with a number sign (`#') and empty lines will be ignored. Spaces at the beginning and the end of a line will also be ignored as well as tabulators. If you need spaces at the end or the beginning of a value you can use apostrophes (`"'). An option line starts with it's name followed by a value. An equal sign is optional. A comment starts with the number sign, there can be any number of spaces and/or tab stops in front of the #. Some possible examples: # this line is ignored option value option = value # this is a comment option "value ending with space " You have to escape number signs with a backslash (`') to use it in a value. Default values are provided into square brackets, they should be suitable for most installations. You can use the configuration menu from interactive mode to edit it. GENERAL
base_dir base directory, sub-directory of your $HOME unless an absolute path (i.e. beginning with `/') is provided [ddts] comment comment string for review, a space character will be added to this string [>>] clean_regex regular expression to remove file with clean command [~$|.old$|.bak$] language language extension to use when asking for new documents to translate or to review [none] editor text editor [sensible-editor] ddtc_bug whether reviews are sent in a special way to prevent updating ddts parts databases or not. [no] Caution: if set to `yes', the `reply to accept modification' ddts feature doesn't work anymore and the whole language team should use ddtc. Ask your language team coordinator before setting this option. EMAIL
mail_out your email address [first found in $ENV{EMAIL}, $ENV{DEBEMAIL} or none] mail_in the mail address you want the ddts to answer to. This is the address the ddts uses for your identification so you must use this if you need to set mail_out to another value [mail_out] mail_server email address of the server [] mail_encoding mail encoding for mime [8bit] mail_charset mail charset for mime [ISO-8859-1 for lack of charset used by ddts] mail_self set to `yes' if you want to be sent a copy of outgoing mail [yes] MENU COLORS
Set text colors for clear presentation. The recognized colors (all of which should be fairly intuitive) are: clear, reset, dark, bold, underline, underscore, blink, reverse, con- cealed, black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, on_black, on_red, on_green, on_yellow, on_blue, on_magenta, on_cyan, and on_white. Case is not significant. Underline and underscore are equivalent, as are clear and reset, so use whichever is the most intu- itive to you. The color alone sets the foreground color, and on_color sets the background color. Note that not all colors are supported by all terminal types, and some terminals may not support any of these sequences. Dark, blink, and concealed in particular are frequently not implemented. menu_title_color color used for menu title [bold cyan] menu_letter_color color used for the letter to be entered [bold cyan] menu_text_color color used for the menu item description [cyan] EXAMPLE
A ddtc configuration example file can be found at /usr/share/doc/ddtc/ddtcrc. SEE ALSO
ddtc(1). AUTHOR
Nicolas Bertolissio <> perl v5.8.4 2003-10-25 DDTCRC.5(5)
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