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diag(4rheolef) [debian man page]

diag(4rheolef)							    rheolef-6.1 						    diag(4rheolef)

diag - get diagonal part of a matrix DESCRIPTION
This function get the diagonal part of a matrix. csr<Float> a; dia<Float> d = diag(a); TODO
Build a csr matrix from a diagonal one or from a vector: dia<Float> d; csr<Float> a = diag(d); vec<Float> u; csr<Float> b = diag(u); IMPLEMENTATION
template<class T, class M> dia<T,M> diag (const csr<T,M>& a) rheolef-6.1 rheolef-6.1 diag(4rheolef)

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dia(2rheolef)							    rheolef-6.1 						     dia(2rheolef)

dia - diagonal matrix DESCRIPTION
The class implements a diagonal matrix. A declaration whithout any parametrers correspond to a null size matrix: dia<Float> d; The constructor can be invocated whith a ownership parameter (see distributor(2)): dia<Float> d(ownership); or an initialiser, either a vector (see vec(2)): dia<Float> d(v); or a csr matrix (see csr(2)): dia<Float> d(a); The conversion from dia to vec or csr is explicit. When a diagonal matrix is constructed from a csr matrix, the definition of the diagonal of matrix is @emph{always} a vector of size row_ownership which contains the elements in rows 1 to nrow of the matrix that are contained in the diagonal. If the diagonal element falls outside the matrix, i.e. ncol < nrow then it is defined as a zero entry. PRECONDITIONER INTERFACE
The class presents a preconditioner interface, as the solver(2), so that it can be used as preconditioner to the iterative solvers suite (see pcg(4)). IMPLEMENTATION
template<class T, class M = rheo_default_memory_model> class dia : public vec<T,M> { public: // typedefs: typedef typename vec<T,M>::size_type size_type; typedef typename vec<T,M>::iterator iterator; typedef typename vec<T,M>::const_iterator const_iterator; // allocators/deallocators: explicit dia (const distributor& ownership = distributor(), const T& init_val = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()); explicit dia (const vec<T,M>& u); explicit dia (const csr<T,M>& a); dia<T,M>& operator= (const T& lambda); // preconditionner interface: solves d*x=b vec<T,M> solve (const vec<T,M>& b) const; vec<T,M> trans_solve (const vec<T,M>& b) const; }; template <class T, class M> dia<T,M> operator/ (const T& lambda, const dia<T,M>& d); template <class T, class M> vec<T,M> operator* (const dia<T,M>& d, const vec<T,M>& x); SEE ALSO
distributor(2), vec(2), csr(2), solver(2), pcg(4) rheolef-6.1 rheolef-6.1 dia(2rheolef)
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