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Wx::Socket(3pm) 					User Contributed Perl Documentation					   Wx::Socket(3pm)

Wx::Socket - wxSocket* classes USAGE
use Wx qw(:socket) ; use Wx::Event qw(EVT_SOCKET_INPUT EVT_SOCKET_LOST) ; use Wx::Event qw(EVT_SOCKET_CONNECTION) ; ########## # CLIENT # ########## my $sock = Wx::SocketClient->new(wxSOCKET_WAITALL); EVT_SOCKET_INPUT($parent , $sock , &onInput ) ; EVT_SOCKET_LOST($parent , $sock , &onClose ) ; $sock->Connect('localhost',5050) ; if (! $sock->IsConnected ) { print "ERROR " ;} sub onInput { my ( $sock , $this , $evt ) = @_ ; my $length = 123; my $buffer ; $sock->Read($buffer , 1024 , $length ) ; } ########## # SERVER # ########## my $sock = Wx::SocketServer->new('localhost',5050,wxSOCKET_WAITALL); EVT_SOCKET_CONNECTION($parent , $sock , &onConnect ) ; if ( !$sock->Ok ) { print "ERROR " ;} sub onConnect { my ( $sock , $this , $evt ) = @_ ; my $client = $sock->Accept(0) ; my ($local_host,$local_port) = $client->GetLocal ; my ($peer_host,$peer_port) = $client->GetPeer ; $client->Write("This is a data test! ") ; ... or ... $client->Write( $data , length($data) ) ; $client->Close ; } METHODS
All the methods work as in wxWidgets (see the documentation). The functions for reading data (Read, ReadMsg, Peek) take 3 arguments, like the Perl read() function: ## To read the data into the variable $sock->Read($buffer , 1024) ; ... or ... ## To append data at the given offset: $sock->Read($buffer , 1024 , $offset ) ; The write functions (Write, WriteMsg, Unread) can be used with 1 or 2 arguments: $client->Write("This is a data test! ") ; $client->Write($data , $length) ; EVENTS
The events are: EVT_SOCKET EVT_SOCKET_ALL EVT_SOCKET_INPUT EVT_SOCKET_OUTPUT EVT_SOCKET_CONNECTION EVT_SOCKET_LOST The EVT_SOCKET works as in wxWidgets, the others are wxPerl extensions. Note that EVT_SOCKET events of wxSocketClient and wxSocketServer work differently than other event types. First you need to set the event handler: $sock->SetEventHandler($handler, $id) ; Then you set what types of event you want to receive: ## this select all. $sock->SetNotify(wxSOCKET_INPUT_FLAG|wxSOCKET_OUTPUT_FLAG| wxSOCKET_CONNECTION_FLAG|wxSOCKET_LOST_FLAG) ; Enable the event notification: $sock->Notify(1) ; And only after this use: ## note that $handler must be the same that was used in ## SetEventHandler EVT_SOCKET($handler, $id , sub{...} ) To make the events easier to use, all the proccess is automatic, and you just use: EVT_SOCKET_INPUT($handler , $socket , sub{...} ) EVT_SOCKET_OUTPUT($handler , $socket , sub{...} ) EVT_SOCKET_CONNECTION($handler , $socket , sub{...} ) EVT_SOCKET_LOST($handler , $socket , sub{...} ) ## This is for the events not used yet by the above: EVT_SOCKET_ALL($parent , $socket , sub{...} ) ** The new way is better to handle more than one socket in the same time too. Take a look in the demos. SEE ALSO
Wx, The wxWxwindows documentation at <> AUTHOR
Graciliano M. P. <> COPYRIGHT
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.14.2 2007-06-18 Wx::Socket(3pm)

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Net::SOCKS(3pm) 					User Contributed Perl Documentation					   Net::SOCKS(3pm)

Net::SOCKS - a SOCKS client class SYNOPSIS
Establishing a connection: my $sock = new Net::SOCKS(socks_addr => '', socks_port => 1080, user_id => 'the_user', user_password => 'the_password', force_nonanonymous => 1, protocol_version => 5); # connect to finger port and request finger information for some_user my $f= $sock->connect(peer_addr => '', peer_port => 79); print $f "some_user "; # example writing to socket while (<$f>) { print } # example reading from socket $sock->close(); Accepting an incoming connection: my $sock = new Net::SOCKS(socks_addr => '', socks_port => 1080, user_id => 'the_user', user_password => 'the_password', force_nonanonymous => 1, protocol_version => 5); my ($ip, $ip_dot_dec, $port) = $sock->bind(peer_addr => "", peer_port => 9999); $f= $sock->accept(); print $f "Hi! Type something. "; # example writing to socket while (<$f>) { print } # example reading from socket $sock->close(); DESCRIPTION
my $sock = new Net::SOCKS(socks_addr => '', socks_port => 1080, user_id => 'the_user', user_password => 'the_password', force_nonanonymous => 1, protocol_version => 5); To connect to a SOCKS server, specify the SOCKS server's hostname, port number, SOCKS protocol version, username, and password. Username and password are optional if you plan to use a SOCKS server that doesn't require any authentication. If you would like to force the connection to be nonanoymous, set the force_nonanonymous parameter. my $f= $sock->connect(peer_addr => '', peer_port => 79); To connect to another machine using SOCKS, use the connect method. Specify the host and port number as parameters. my ($ip, $ip_dot_dec, $port) = $sock->bind(peer_addr => "", peer_port => 9999); If you wanted to accept a connection with SOCKS, specify the host and port of the machine you expect a connection from. Upon success, bind() returns the ip address and port number that the SOCKS server is listening at on your behalf. $f= $sock->accept(); If a call to bind() returns a success status code SOCKS_OKAY, a call to the accept() method will return when the peer host connects to the host/port that was returned by the bind() method. Upon success, accept() returns SOCKS_OKAY. $sock->close(); Closes the connection. SEE ALSO
RFC 1928, RFC 1929. AUTHOR
Clinton Wong, COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Clinton Wong. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.14.2 2012-04-18 Net::SOCKS(3pm)
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