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Text::WikiFormat::Blocks(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			     Text::WikiFormat::Blocks(3pm)

Text::WikiFormat::Blocks - blocktypes for Text::WikiFormat SYNOPSIS
None. Use Text::WikiFormat as the public interface, unless you want to create your own block type. DESCRIPTION
This module merely creates subclasses of Text::WikiFormat::Block, which is the interesting code. A block is a collection of related lines, such as a code block (text to display verbatim in a monospaced font), a header, an unordered list, an ordered list, and a paragraph (text to display in a proportional font). Every block extends "Text::WikiFormat::Block". METHODS
The following methods exist: o "new( %args )" Creates and returns a new block. The valid arguments are: o "text" The text of the line found in the block. o "args" The arguments captured by the block-identifying regular expression. o "level" The level of indentation for the block (usually only useful for list blocks). o "tags" The tags in effect for the current type of wiki formatting. o "opts" The options in effect for the current type of wiki formatting. Use the accessors of the same names to retrieve the values of the attributes. o "add_text( @lines_of_text )" Adds a list of lines of text to the current text for the block. This is very useful when you encounter a block and want to merge it with the previous block of the same type o "add_args( @arguments )" Adds further arguments to the block; useful when merging blocks. o "formatted_text()" Returns text formatted appropriately for this block. Blocks don't have to have formatters, but they may. o "formatter( $line_of_text )" Formats the $line using "Text::WikiFormat::format_line()". You can add your own formatter here; this is worth overriding. o "merge( $next_block )" Merges the current block with $next_block (the next block encountered) if they're of the same type and are at the same level. This adds the text and args of $next_block to the current block. It's your responsibility to remove $next_block from whatever your code iterates over. o "nests()" Returns true if this block should nest (as in lists and unordered lists) for the active wiki formatting. o "nest( $next_block )" Nests $next_block under this block if the both nest and if $next_block has a level greater than the current block. This actually adds $next_block as a text item within the current block. Beware. AUTHOR
chromatic, "chromatic at wgz dot org" BUGS
No known bugs. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2006, chromatic. Some rights reserved. This module is free software; you can use, redistribute, and modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.8.x. perl v5.10.1 2011-02-12 Text::WikiFormat::Blocks(3pm)

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Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::Default(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		    Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::Default(3pm)

Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::Default - A formatter for Wiki::Toolkit. DESCRIPTION
A formatter backend for Wiki::Toolkit. SYNOPSIS
my $store = Wiki::Toolkit::Store::SQLite->new( ... ); # See below for parameter details. my $formatter = Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::Default->new( %config ); my $wiki = Wiki::Toolkit->new( store => $store, formatter => $formatter ); METHODS
new my $formatter = Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::Default->new( extended_links => 0, implicit_links => 1, allowed_tags => [qw(b i)], # defaults to none macros => {}, node_prefix => 'wiki.cgi?node=' ); Parameters will default to the values shown above (apart from "allowed_tags", which defaults to allowing no tags). o macros - be aware that macros are processed after filtering out disallowed HTML tags. Currently macros are just strings, maybe later we can add in subs if we think it might be useful. Macro example: macros => { qr/(^|)@SEARCHBOX(|$)/ => qq(<form action="wiki.cgi" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="search"> <input type="text" size="20" name="terms"> <input type="submit"></form>) } format my $html = $formatter->format( $content ); Escapes any tags which weren't specified as allowed on creation, then interpolates any macros, then calls Text::WikiFormat::format (with the config set up when new was called) to translate the raw Wiki language supplied into HTML. SEE ALSO
Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::WikiLinkFormatterParent Wiki::Toolkit AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Kake Pugh. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C) 2006 the Wiki::Toolkit team. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.14.2 2011-09-25 Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::Default(3pm)
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