.::SWF::Morph(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation .::SWF::Morph(3pm)NAME
SWF::Morph - SWF Morph Class
use SWF::Morph;
my $morph = new SWF::Morph();
SWF::Morph twist from one shape to another.
new SWF::Morph();
Returns an SWF::Morph object.
($shape1, $shape2) = $morph->getShapes();
Returns two SWF::Shape objects. The first one (shape1) is the morph's starting shape while shape2 is its final shape. You may also use
"getShape1()" and "getShape2()" methods to get a handle of these shapes.
$shape1 = $morph->getShape1();
Returns the morph's starting shape.
$shape2 = $morph->getShape2();
Returns the morph's final shape.
Soheil Seyfaie (soheil@netcom.ca).
SWF, SWF::DisplayItem, SWF::Shape, SWF::Movie, SWF::MovieClip
perl v5.14.2 2011-10-26 .::SWF::Morph(3pm)
Check Out this Related Man Page
.::SWF::MovieClip(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation .::SWF::MovieClip(3pm)NAME
SWF::MovieClip - MovieClip Class
use SWF::MovieClip;
my $movieclip = new SWF::MovieClip();
SWF::MovieClip allows you to add animated objects to your Flash movies.
$mc= new SWF::MovieClip()
Returns an SWF::MovieClip object.
$item = $mc->add($swfobject)
When you add following types of objects to the $mc they will return a SWF::DisplayItem:
SWF::PrebuiltClip (a whole external swf file)
SWF::MovieClip (you can nest them like a tree)
[ToDo: to be verified: When you add a SWF::Sound the return value is a SWF::SoundInstance: $si = $mc->add($sound); ]
$si = $mc->startSound($sound)
Starts making noise and returns an object of SWF::SoundInstance class.
Stops sound started by startSound() method.
Removes SWF::DisplayItem $di from the display list.
Move to the next frame in the timeline of SWF::MovieClip $mc
Sets total number of $mc frames to $i This is an optional autofiller, e.g. when you want to be sure that 2 different movieclips have
100 frames when playing, but the number of nextFrame() calls in these 2 movieclips is unknown or dynamic (dependent on data from
databases, whatever). By default a movieclip the number of frames in the timeline is how often you called $mc->nextFrame for this clip.
Sets frame name to $name. You are then able to access this frame by name in ActionScript, not just by frame number.
$mc->setScalingGrid($x, $y, $w, $h)
This function (available from SWF>=8) sets a 9 slice scaling grid: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X, y, w and h define a rectangle, which is the
dimension of the center slice(5). All other slices are determined out of the characters bounds and the defined rect. While slice 5 is
scaled vertical and horizontal, slice 2 and 8 are only scaled horizontal. Slice 4 and 6 only vertical. The 4 corner slices are not
scaled (1, 3, 7, 9). [ToDo: to be verified]
Removes scaling grid rectangles.
Adds an initial ActionScript block to MovieClip $mc. These actions are executed before the MovieClip is available as a script object.
[ToDo: to be verified]
$mc->setSoundStream($sound, $rate, [$skip])
Includes streaming sound to a movie. [ToDo: add more doc and a demo here.]
Soheil Seyfaie (soheil@netcom.ca) Peter Liscovius
see AUTHORS of ming distribution (ming.sf.net)
SWF::DisplayItem for how you can modify the instances in a SWF::MovieClip or SWF::Movie SWF, SWF::Action, SWF::InitAction, SWF::Button,
SWF::Movie, SWF::Shape, SWF::Sound, SWF::SoundStream, SWF::Text, SWF::TextField, SWF::VideoStream
perl v5.14.2 2011-10-26 .::SWF::MovieClip(3pm)