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rdf::query::algebra::triple(3pm) [debian man page]

RDF::Query::Algebra::Triple(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation			  RDF::Query::Algebra::Triple(3pm)

RDF::Query::Algebra::Triple - Algebra class for Triple patterns VERSION
This document describes RDF::Query::Algebra::Triple version 2.908. METHODS
Beyond the methods documented below, this class inherits methods from the RDF::Query::Algebra class. "new ( $s, $p, $o )" Returns a new Triple structure. "as_sparql" Returns the SPARQL string for this algebra expression. "as_hash" Returns the query as a nested set of plain data structures (no objects). "as_spin ( $model )" Adds statements to the given model to represent this algebra object in the SPARQL Inferencing Notation (<>). "referenced_blanks" Returns a list of the blank node names used in this algebra expression. "subsumes ( $pattern )" Returns true if the triple subsumes the pattern, false otherwise. "bf ()" Returns a string representing the state of the nodes of the triple (bound or free). "distinguish_bnode_variables" Returns a new Quad object with blank nodes replaced by distinguished variables. "label ( $label => $value )" Sets the named $label to $value for this triple object. If no $value is given, returns the current label value, or undef if none exists. AUTHOR
Gregory Todd Williams <> perl v5.14.2 2012-01-31 RDF::Query::Algebra::Triple(3pm)

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RDF::Query::Algebra::BasicGraphPattern(3pm)		User Contributed Perl Documentation	       RDF::Query::Algebra::BasicGraphPattern(3pm)

RDF::Query::Algebra::BasicGraphPattern - Algebra class for BasicGraphPattern patterns VERSION
This document describes RDF::Query::Algebra::BasicGraphPattern version 2.908. METHODS
Beyond the methods documented below, this class inherits methods from the RDF::Query::Algebra class. "new ( @triples )" Returns a new BasicGraphPattern structure. "construct_args" Returns a list of arguments that, passed to this class' constructor, will produce a clone of this algebra pattern. "triples" Returns a list of triples belonging to this BGP. "quads" Returns a list of the (implicit) quads belonging to this BGP. "sse" Returns the SSE string for this algebra expression. "explain" Returns a string serialization of the algebra appropriate for display on the command line. "as_sparql" Returns the SPARQL string for this algebra expression. "as_hash" Returns the query as a nested set of plain data structures (no objects). "as_spin ( $model )" Adds statements to the given model to represent this algebra object in the SPARQL Inferencing Notation (<>). "type" Returns the type of this algebra expression. "referenced_variables" Returns a list of the variable names used in this algebra expression. "potentially_bound" Returns a list of the variable names used in this algebra expression that will bind values during execution. "definite_variables" Returns a list of the variable names that will be bound after evaluating this algebra expression. "check_duplicate_blanks" Returns true if blank nodes respect the SPARQL rule of no blank-label re-use across BGPs, otherwise throws a RDF::Query::Error::QueryPatternError exception. "connected" Returns true if the pattern is connected through shared variables, false otherwise. "subsumes ( $pattern )" Returns true if the bgp subsumes the pattern, false otherwise. "bf ()" Returns a string representing the state of the nodes of the triple (bound or free). "clone" "bind_variables ( \%bound )" Returns a new algebra pattern with variables named in %bound replaced by their corresponding bound values. AUTHOR
Gregory Todd Williams <> perl v5.14.2 2012-01-31 RDF::Query::Algebra::BasicGraphPattern(3pm)
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