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Paranoid::Log::Buffer(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				Paranoid::Log::Buffer(3pm)

Paranoid::Log::Buffer - Log Buffer Functions VERSION
$Id:,v 0.83 2010/06/03 19:03:46 acorliss Exp $ SYNOPSIS
use Paranoid::Log; enableFacility('events', 'buffer', 'debug', '+'); enableFacility('more-events', 'buffer', 'debug', '+', 100); @messages = Paranoid::Log::Buffer::dump($name); DESCRIPTION
This module implements named buffers to be used for logging purposes. Each buffer is of a concrete size (definable by the developer) with a max message length of 2KB. Each message is stored with a timestamp. Once the buffer hits the maximun number of entries it begins deleting the oldest messages as the new messages come in. Buffers are created automatically on the fly, and messages trimmed before being stored. With the exception of the dump function this module is not meant to be used directly. Paranoid::Log should be your exclusive interface for logging. When enabling a buffer facility with Paranoid::Log you can add one integral argument to the call. That number defines the size of the log buffer in terms of number of entries allowed. NOTE: Buffers are maintained within process memory. If you fork a process from a parent with a log buffer each copy will maintain its own entries. SUBROUTINES
/METHODS NOTE: Given that this module is not intended to be used directly nothing is exported. init log remove Paranoid::Log::Buffer::dump @entries = Paranoid::Log::Buffer::dump($name); This dumps all current entries in the named buffer. Each entry is an array reference to a two-element array. The first element is the timestamp of the message (in UNIX epoch seconds), the second the actual message itself. DEPENDENCIES
o Paranoid::Debug SEE ALSO
This software is licensed under the same terms as Perl, itself. Please see for more information. (c) 2005, Arthur Corliss ( perl v5.14.2 2010-06-03 Paranoid::Log::Buffer(3pm)

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Paranoid::Network::IPv4(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			      Paranoid::Network::IPv4(3pm)

Paranoid::Network::IPv4 - IPv4-related functions VERSION
$Id:,v 0.1 2012/05/29 21:37:44 acorliss Exp $ SYNOPSIS
use Paranoid::Network::IPv4; @net = ipv4NetConvert($netAddr); $rv = ipv4NetIntersect($net1, $net2); or use Paranoid::Network::IPv4 qw(:all); print "Valid IP address " if $netAddr =~ /^@{[ IPV4REGEX ]}$/; @net = ipv4NetConvert($netAddr); $broadcast = $net[IPV4BRDCST]; DESCRIPTION
This module contains a few convenience functions for working with IPv4 addresses. By default only the subroutines themselves are imported. Requesting :all will also import the constants as well. SUBROUTINES
/METHODS ipv4NetConvert @net = ipv4NetConvert($netAddr); This function takes an IPv4 network address in string format and converts it into an array containing the base network address, the broadcast address, and the netmask, in integer format. The network address can have the netmask in either CIDR format or dotted quads. In the case of a single IP address, the array with only have one element, that of the IP in integer format. Passing any argument to this function that is not a string representation of an IP address (including undef values) will cause this function to return an empty array. ipv4NetIntersect $rv = ipv4NetIntersect($net1, $net2); This function tests whether an IP or subnet intersects with another IP or subnet. The return value is essentially boolean, but the true value can vary to indicate which is a subset of the other: -1: destination range encompasses target range 0: both ranges do not intersect at all 1: target range encompasses destination range The function handles the same string formats as ipv4NetConvert, but will allow you to test single IPs in integer format as well. CONSTANTS
These are only imported if explicity requested or with the :all tag. MAXIPV4CIDR Simply put: 32. This is the largest CIDR notation supported in IPv4. IPV4REGEX Regular expression: qr/(?:d{1,3}.){3}d{1,3}/sm You can use this for validating IP addresses as such: $ip =~ m#^@{[ IPV4REGEX ]}$#; or to extract potential IPs from extraneous text: (@ips) = ( $string =~ m#(@{[ IPV4REGEX ]})#gsm); IPV4CIDRRGX Regular expression: qr#(@{[ IPV4REGEX ]})(?:/(d+|@{[ IPV4REGEX ]}))?#sm By default this will extract an IP or CIDR notation network address: ($net, $mask) = ( $ip =~ m#^@{[ IPV4CIDRRGX ]}$# ); In the case of a simple IP address $mask will be undefined. IPV4BASE This is the ordinal index of the base network address as returned by ipv4NetConvert. IPV4BRDCST This is the ordinal index of the broadcast address as returned by ipv4NetConvert. IPV4MASK This is the ordinal index of the network mask as returned by ipv4NetConvert. DEPENDENCIES
o Paranoid o Paranoid::Network::Socket BUGS AND LIMITATIONS
This software is licensed under the same terms as Perl, itself. Please see for more information. (c) 2012, Arthur Corliss ( perl v5.14.2 2012-05-29 Paranoid::Network::IPv4(3pm)
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