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net::sieve::script::rule(3pm) [debian man page]

Net::Sieve::Script::Rule(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			     Net::Sieve::Script::Rule(3pm)

Net::Sieve::Script::Rule - parse and write rules in sieve scripts SYNOPSIS
use Net::Sieve::Script::Rule; my $pRule = Net::Sieve::Script::Rule->new ( ctrl => $ctrl, test_list => $test_list, block => $block, order => $order ); or my $rule = Net::Sieve::Script::Rule->new(); my $cond = Net::Sieve::Script::Condition->new('header'); $cond->match_type(':contains'); $cond->header_list('"Subject"'); $cond->key_list('"Re: Test2"'); my $actions = 'fileinto "INBOX.test"; stop;'; $rule->add_condition($cond); $rule->add_action($actions); print $rule->write; DESCRIPTION
new Arguments : order => : optionnal set priority for rule ctrl => : optionnal default 'if', else could be 'else', 'elsif' or 'vacation' test_list => : optionnal conditions by string or by Condition Object block => : optionnal block of commands Returns : Net::Sieve::Script::Rule object Set accessors alternate : as param ctrl conditions : first condition in tree actions : array of actions objects priority : rule order in script, main id for rule require : METHODS
equals return 1 if rules are equals write Return rule in text format write_condition set require for used conditions return conditions in text format write_action set require for used actions return actions in text format delete_condition Purpose : delete condition by rule, delete all block on delete anyof/allof delete single anyof/allof block : single condition move up Arguments : condition id Returns : 1 on success, 0 on error add_condition Purpose : add condition to rule, add 'allof' group on second rule Arguments : string or Condition object Returns : new condition id or 0 on error swap_actions swap actions by order return 1 on succes, 0 on failure find_action find action by order Returns: Net::Sieve::Script::Action object, 0 on error delete_action delete action by order, first is 1; add_action Purpose : add action at end of block Arguments : command line or command line list with ; separator or Net::Sieve::Script::Action object Return : 1 on success AUTHOR
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. perl v5.10.0 2008-09-15 Net::Sieve::Script::Rule(3pm)

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CSS::DOM::Rule(3pm)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				       CSS::DOM::Rule(3pm)

CSS::DOM::Rule - CSS rule class for CSS::DOM VERSION
Version 0.14 SYNOPSIS
use CSS::DOM::Rule ':all'; # import constants use CSS::DOM; $sheet = new CSS::DOM; $sheet->insertRule('bla blah blah {}'); $rule = $sheet->cssRules->[0]; $rule->type; # STYLE_RULE $rule->cssText; # 'bla blah blah {}' or similar $rule->cssText('p { margin: 0 }'); # replace it $rule->parentStyleSheet; # $sheet DESCRIPTION
This module provides the CSS rule class for CSS::DOM. It implements the CSSRule and CSSUnknownRule DOM interfaces. METHODS
Constructor Only call the constructor on this class to create an 'unknown' rule. You have to call the constructor on a particular subclass to get another type. Normally you do not need to call this directly anyway. (See CSS::DOM's "parse" and "insertRule" methods.) But just in case you do want to call it, here it is: new CSS::DOM::Rule $parent; # unknown rule require CSS::DOM::Rule::Style new CSS::DOM::Rule::Style $parent; # etc. $parent is the parent rule, if the rule is nested, or the parent style sheet otherwise. Object Methods type Returns one of the constants below indicating the type of rule. cssText Returns this rule's CSS code. If you pass an argument, it will be parsed as the new CSS code for this rule (replacing the existing data), and the old value will be returned. This method will die if the replacement CSS code creates a different type of rule. parentStyleSheet This returns the style sheet to which the rule belongs. parentRule This returns the rule's parent rule, if there is one, or an empty list otherwise. There is only a parent rule if this one is nested, e.g., inside a media rule. EXPORTS
The following constants that indicate the type of rule will be exported on request (individually or with the ':all' tag): UNKNOWN_RULE STYLE_RULE CHARSET_RULE IMPORT_RULE MEDIA_RULE FONT_FACE_RULE PAGE_RULE SEE ALSO
CSS::DOM CSS::DOM::Rule::Style CSS::DOM::Rule::Media CSS::DOM::Rule::Page CSS::DOM::Rule::Import perl v5.10.1 2010-12-10 CSS::DOM::Rule(3pm)
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