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Log::Handler::Output::Socket(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation			 Log::Handler::Output::Socket(3pm)

Log::Handler::Output::Socket - Send messages to a socket. SYNOPSIS
use Log::Handler::Output::Socket; my $sock = Log::Handler::Output::Socket->new( peeraddr => "", peerport => 44444, proto => "tcp", timeout => 10 ); $sock->log(message => $message); DESCRIPTION
With this module it's possible to send messages over the network. METHODS
new() Call "new()" to create a new Log::Handler::Output::Socket object. The following options are possible: peeraddr The address of the server. peerport The port to connect to. proto The protocol you wish to use. Default is TCP. timeout The timeout to send message. The default is 5 seconds. persistent and reconnect With this option you can enable or disable a persistent connection and re-connect if the connection was lost. Both options are set to 1 on default. dump Do you like to dump the message? If you enable this option then all messages will be dumped with "Data::Dumper". dumper Do you want to use another dumper as "Data::Dumper"? You can do the following as example: use Convert::Bencode_XS; dumper => sub { Convert::Bencode_XS::bencode($_[0]) } # or maybe use JSON::PC; dumper => sub { JSON::PC::convert($_[0]) } connect This option is only useful if you want to pass your own arguments to "IO::Socket::INET" and don't want use "peeraddr" and "peerhost". Example: connect => { PerrAddr => "", PeerPort => 44444, LocalPort => 44445 } This options are passed to "IO::Socket::INET". log() Call "log()" if you want to send a message over the socket. Example: $sock->log("message"); connect() Connect to the socket. disconnect() Disconnect from socket. validate() Validate a configuration. reload() Reload with a new configuration. errstr() This function returns the last error message. PREREQUISITES
Carp Params::Validate; IO::Socket::INET; Data::Dumper; EXPORTS
No exports. REPORT BUGS
Please report all bugs to <jschulz.cpan(at)>. If you send me a mail then add Log::Handler into the subject. AUTHOR
Jonny Schulz <jschulz.cpan(at)>. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Jonny Schulz. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.14.2 2012-11-21 Log::Handler::Output::Socket(3pm)

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Log::Handler::Examples(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			       Log::Handler::Examples(3pm)

Log::Handler::Examples - Examples. CREATE LOGGER
Quite simple use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add( screen => \%options ); Create a application wide logger my $log = Log::Handler->create_logger("myapp"); $log->add( screen => \%options ); Once created you can use the application logger in all modules of your project: package MyApp; use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->create_logger("myapp"); $log->add( screen => \%options ); package MyApp::Admin; use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->get_logger("myapp"); $log->info("message"); ADD OUTPUTS
use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add( dbi => \%options ); $log->add( email => \%options ); $log->add( file => \%options ); $log->add( forward => \%options ); $log->add( screen => \%options ); $log->add( socket => \%options ); This is the same like $log->add( "Log::Handler::Output::DBI" => \%options ); $log->add( "Log::Handler::Output::Email" => \%options ); $log->add( "Log::Handler::Output::File" => \%options ); $log->add( "Log::Handler::Output::Forward" => \%options ); $log->add( "Log::Handler::Output::Screen" => \%options ); $log->add( "Log::Handler::Output::Socket" => \%options ); RELOAD THE LOGGER
Quite simple use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->config(config => "logger.conf"); $log->reload(config => "logger.conf"); Reload on HUP use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->config(config => "logger.conf"); $SIG{HUP} = sub { unless ($log->reload(config => "logger.conf")) { warn "unable to reload configuration"; warn $log->errstr; } }; Validate first It's possible to make a configuration check before you reload: $log->validate(config => "logger.conf") or warn $log->errstr; LOG VIA DBI
use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add( dbi => { database => "database", driver => "mysql", host => "", port => 3306, user => "user", password => "password", table => "messages", columns => [ qw/level ctime cdate pid hostname caller progname mtime message/ ], values => [ qw/%level %time %date %pid %hostname %caller %progname %mtime %message/ ], maxlevel => "error", minlevel => "emergency" newline => 0, message_pattern => "%L %T %D %P %H %C %S %t %m", } ); $log->error("log an error"); Or with "dbname" $log->add( dbi => { dbname => "database", driver => "Pg", host => "", port => 5432, user => "user", password => "password", table => "messages", columns => [ qw/level ctime cdate pid hostname caller progname mtime message/ ], values => [ qw/%level %time %date %pid %hostname %caller %progname %mtime %message/ ], maxlevel => "error", minlevel => "emergency" newline => 0, message_pattern => "%L %T %D %P %H %C %S %t %m", } ); Or with "data_source" $log->add( dbi => { data_source => "dbi:SQLite:dbname=database.sqlite", table => "messages", columns => [ qw/level ctime cdate pid hostname caller progname mtime message/ ], values => [ qw/%level %time %date %pid %hostname %caller %progname %mtime %message/ ], maxlevel => "error", minlevel => "emergency" newline => 0, message_pattern => "%L %T %D %P %H %C %S %t %m", } ); LOG VIA EMAIL
use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add( email => { host => "", hello => "EHLO my.domain.example", timeout => 30, from => "bar@foo.example", to => "foo@bar.example", subject => "your subject", buffer => 0, maxlevel => "emergency", minlevel => "emergency", message_pattern => '%L', } ); $log->emergency("log an emergency issue"); LOG VIA SENDMAIL
use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add( sendmail => { from => "bar@foo.example", to => "foo@bar.example", subject => "your subject", maxlevel => "error", minlevel => "error", message_pattern => '%L', } ); $log->emergency("message"); LOG VIA FILE
use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add( file => { filename => "file1.log", maxlevel => 7, minlevel => 0 } ); $log->error("log an error"); LOG VIA FORWARD
use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add( forward => { forward_to => &my_func, message_pattern => [ qw/%L %T %P %H %C %S %t/ ], message_layout => "%m", maxlevel => "info", } ); $log->info("log a information"); sub my_func { my $params = shift; print Dumper($params); } LOG VIA SCREEN
use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add( screen => { log_to => "STDERR", maxlevel => "info", } ); $log->info("log to the screen"); LOG VIA SOCKET
use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add( socket => { peeraddr => "", peerport => 44444, maxlevel => "info", die_on_errors => 0, } ); while ( 1 ) { $log->info("test") or warn "unable to send message: ", $log->errstr; sleep 1; } SIMPLE SOCKET SERVER (TCP) use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket::INET; use Log::Handler::Output::File; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalAddr => "", LocalPort => 44444, Listen => 2, ) or die $!; my $file = Log::Handler::Output::File->new( filename => "file.log", fileopen => 1, reopen => 1, ); while ( 1 ) { $file->log(message => "waiting for next connection "); while (my $request = $sock->accept) { my $ipaddr = sprintf("%-15s", $request->peerhost); while (my $message = <$request>) { $file->log(message => "$ipaddr - $message"); } } } DIFFERENT OUTPUTS
use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add( file => { filename => "common.log", maxlevel => 6, minlevel => 5, } ); $log->add( file => { filename => "error.log", maxlevel => 4, minlevel => 0, } ); $log->add( email => { host => "", hello => "EHLO my.domain.example", timeout => 120, from => "bar@foo.example", to => "foo@bar.example", subject => "your subject", buffer => 0, maxlevel => 0, } ); # log to common.log $log->info("this is a info message"); # log to error.log $log->warning("this is a warning"); # log to error.log and to foo@bar.example $log->emergency("this is a emergency message"); FILTER MESSAGES
my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add( screen => { maxlevel => 6, filter_message => { match1 => "foo", match2 => "bar", match3 => "baz", condition => "(match1 && match2) && !match3" } } ); $log->info("foo"); $log->info("foo bar"); $log->info("foo baz"); FILTER CALLER This example shows you how it's possilbe to debug messages only from a special namespace. my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add( file => { filename => "file1.log", maxlevel => "warning", } ); $log->add( screen => { maxlevel => "debug", message_layout => "message from %p - %m", filter_caller => qr/^Foo::Barz/, } ); $log->warning("a warning here"); package Foo::Bar; $log->info("an info here"); 1; ANOTHER FILTER filter_message => "as string" filter_message => qr/as regexp/ filter_message => sub { shift->{message} =~ /as code ref/ } # or with conditions filter_message => { match1 => "as string", match2 => qr/as regexp/, condition => "match1 || match2", } filter_caller => "as string" filter_caller => qr/as regexp/ CONFIG
Examples: my $log = Log::Handler->new( config => "logger.conf" ); # or $log->add( config => "logger.conf" ); # or $log->config( config => "logger.conf" ); Example with Config::General. Script: use Log::Handler; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->config( config => "logger.conf" ); Config (logger.conf): <file> alias = common filename = example.log maxlevel = info minlevel = warn </file> <file> alias = error filename = example-error.log maxlevel = warn minlevel = emergency </file> <file> alias = debug filename = example-debug.log maxlevel = debug minlevel = debug </file> <screen> log_to = STDERR dump = 1 maxlevel = debug minlevel = debug </screen> CHECK FOR ACTIVE LEVELS
It can be very useful if you want to check if a level is active. use Log::Handler; use Data::Dumper; my $log = Log::Handler->new(); $log->add( file => { filename => "file1.log", maxlevel => 4, } ); my %hash = (foo => 1, bar => 2); Now you want to dump the hash, but not in any case. if ( $log->is_debug ) { my $dump = Dumper(\%hash); $log->debug($dump); } This would dump the hash only if the level debug is active. AUTHOR
Jonny Schulz <jschulz.cpan(at)>. perl v5.14.2 2012-11-21 Log::Handler::Examples(3pm)
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