lire::dlfstream(3pm) [debian man page]
DlfStream(3pm) LogReport's Lire Documentation DlfStream(3pm) NAME
Lire::DlfStream - Interface to DLF data stream SYNOPSIS
use Lire::DlfStore; my $store = Lire::DlfStore->open( "mystore" ); my $dlf_stream = $store->open_dlf_stream( "www", "r" ); print "Data begins on ", scalar localtime $dlf_stream->start_time(), " "; print "Data ends on ", scalar localtime $dlf_stream->end_time(), " "; while ( my $dlf = $dlf_stream->read_dlf() ) { ... } DESCRIPTION
This object encapsulates DLF stream. name Returns the schema's name of the DlfStream. mode() Returns the mode in which the DlfStream was opened. sort_spec() Returns the sort specification that is set on the stream. close() This method should be called when the Lire::DlfStream isn't needed anymore, otherwise the same DlfStream cannot be opened until then. nrecords() Returs the number of DLF records in the stream. start_time() Returns the timestamp of the oldest DLF record in the stream in seconds since the epoch. end_time() Returns the timestamp of the newest DLF record in the stream in seconds since the epoch. read_dlf() Returns an hash reference containing the next DLF record in the stream. It returns undef once the end of the stream is reached. This method will throw an exception if the DlfStream isn't open in 'r' mode or if there is an error reading the DLF record. read_dlf_aref() Returns the next DLF record in the stream as an array reference. The fields are in the order specified by the schema. This method will throw an exception if the DlfStream isn't open in 'r' mode or if there is an error reading the DLF record. write_dlf( $dlf, [ $link_ids ] ) Writes the fields contained in the hash ref $dlf to the DLF stream. This method will throw an exception if there is an error writing the DLF record or if the stream isn't opened in 'w' mode. The $link_ids parameter is used when the stream's schema is a Lire::DerivedSchema. It should be an array reference containing the DLF ids of the records which are linked to this record. clean( [ $time ] ) This method will remove all DLF records older than $time. It $time is omitted, all Dlf records will be removed. Lire 2.1.1 2006-07-23 DlfStream(3pm)
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DlfConverterProcess(3pm) LogReport's Lire Documentation DlfConverterProcess(3pm) NAME
Lire::DlfConverterProcess - Object that controls the DLF conversion process SYNOPSIS
use Lire::ImportJob; use Lire::DlfStore; use Lire::DlfConverterProcess; my $src = new Lire::ImportJob( "file", 'pattern' => "/var/log/messages" ); my $store = Lire::DlfStore->open( "store" ); my $process = new Lire::DlfConverterProcess( $src, $store ); $process->run_import_job(); print "Log lines read: ", $process->line_count(), " "; print "DLF records created: ", $process->dlf_count, " "; print "Errors encountered: ", $process->errors_count, " "; print "Ignored records: ", $process->ignored_count," "; DESCRIPTION
This object encapsulates the Lire DLF conversion process. It takes as parameter a Lire::ImportJob and a Lire::DlfStore. It will setup the converter and will converter the content of Lire::ImportJob to DLF which will be saved in the Lire::DlfStore. The object provides the API to the converter. Methods are also available to query information on the conversion process. new( $job, $store ); Create a Lire::DlfConverterProcess that will be used to import the log specified in Lire::ImportJob into DLF records which will be stored into Lire::DlfStore. run_import_job( [$time] ) Import the log data from ImportJob as DLF. This method will throw an exception if it is called more than once. The $time parameter will be used to determine the time window covered by period. It defaults to the current time. job_id() Returns the job identifier associated to this process. dlf_store() Returns the Lire::DlfStore in which this conversion process is storing the DLF records. import_job() Returns the Lire::ImportJob upon which this conversion process is operating. line_count() Returns the number of lines processed. This will 0 in case the DLF converter process file and not log lines. During a processing, this is always equals to the line that is currently being converted. dlf_count() Returns the number of DLF records created. error_count() Returns the number of errors encountered in the conversion process. ignored_count() Returns the number of records which were ignored in the conversion process. saved_count() Returns the number of lines which were saved for later processing. API FOR THE DLF CONVERTERS
This is the object that encapsulates the Dlf implementation and hides the complexitity of the storage framework from the DLF converter. It offers the following methods to the DLf converter. write_dlf( $schema, $dlf ) This writes the $dlf DLF record conforming the $schema's schema in the Lire::DlfStore. The schema is the schema's name (e.g. 'www'). $dlf is an hash reference. Keys are the schema's field name. Undefined value means that this field isn't available in that record. save_log_line( $line ) Method that should be used to save $line for a future processing run of the converter on the same Lire::ImportJob. ignored_log_line( $line, [ $reason ] ) Method that can be used by the Lire::DlfConverter to report that the '$line' log line was ignored during that processing. The reason why the line was ignored can be given in $reason. For example, syslog-based converter should use that method to report lines that are for another 'service' than theirs. error( $error_msg, [ $line ] ); Method that should be used by the Lire::DlfConveter to report that an error was encountered when processing the Lire::ImportJob. $error_msg should be used to report the nature of the error. The $line parameter should be used by converter operating on lines to associate the error message to a particular line. SEE ALSO
Lire::DlfStore(3pm) Lire::DlfConverter(3pm) AUTHOR
Francis J. Lacoste <> VERSION
$Id:,v 1.18 2006/07/23 13:16:28 vanbaal Exp $ COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Stichting LogReport Foundation This file is part of Lire. Lire is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (see COPYING); if not, check with Lire 2.1.1 2006-07-23 DlfConverterProcess(3pm)