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HTML::Template::Compiled::Parser(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		     HTML::Template::Compiled::Parser(3pm)

HTML::Template::Compiled::Parser - Parser module for HTML::Template::Compiled SYNOPSIS
This module is used internally by HTML::Template::Compiled. The API is not fixed (yet), so this is just for understanding at the moment. my $parser = HTML::Template::Compiled::Parser->new( tagstyle => [ # -name deactivates style # +name activates style qw(-classic -comment +asp +php), # define own regexes # e.g. for tags like # {{if foo}}{{var bar}}{{/if foo}} [ qr({{), start of opening tag qr(}}), # end of opening tag qr({{/), # start of closing tag qr(}}), # end of closing tag ], ], ); AUTHOR
Tina Mueller perl v5.14.2 2012-05-26 HTML::Template::Compiled::Parser(3pm)

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Parser(3pm)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					       Parser(3pm)

HTML::StripScripts::Parser - XSS filter using HTML::Parser SYNOPSIS
use HTML::StripScripts::Parser(); my $hss = HTML::StripScripts::Parser->new( { Context => 'Document', ## HTML::StripScripts configuration Rules => { ... }, }, strict_comment => 1, ## HTML::Parser options strict_names => 1, ); $hss->parse_file("foo.html"); print $hss->filtered_document; OR print $hss->filter_html($html); DESCRIPTION
This class provides an easy interface to "HTML::StripScripts", using "HTML::Parser" to parse the HTML. See HTML::Parser for details of how to customise how the raw HTML is parsed into tags, and HTML::StripScripts for details of how to customise the way those tags are filtered. CONSTRUCTORS
new ( {CONFIG}, [PARSER_OPTIONS] ) Creates a new "HTML::StripScripts::Parser" object. The CONFIG parameter has the same semantics as the CONFIG parameter to the "HTML::StripScripts" constructor. Any PARSER_OPTIONS supplied will be passed on to the HTML::Parser init method, allowing you to influence the way the input is parsed. You cannot use PARSER_OPTIONS to set the "HTML::Parser" event handlers (see "Events" in HTML::Parser) since "HTML::StripScripts::Parser" uses all of the event hooks itself. However, you can use "Rules" (see "Rules" in HTML::StripScripts) to customise the handling of all tags and attributes. METHODS
See HTML::Parser for input methods, HTML::StripScripts for output methods. "filter_html()" "filter_html()" is a convenience method for filtering HTML already loaded into a scalar variable. It combines calls to "HTML::Parser::parse()", "HTML::Parser::eof()" and "HTML::StripScripts::filtered_document()". $filtered_html = $hss->filter_html($html); SUBCLASSING
The "HTML::StripScripts::Parser" class is subclassable. Filter objects are plain hashes. The hss_init() method takes the same arguments as new(), and calls the initialization methods of both "HTML::StripScripts" and "HTML::Parser". See "SUBCLASSING" in HTML::StripScripts and "SUBCLASSING" in HTML::Parser. SEE ALSO
HTML::StripScripts, HTML::Parser, HTML::StripScripts::LibXML BUGS
None reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at <>. AUTHOR
Original author Nick Cleaton <> New code added and module maintained by Clinton Gormley <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2003 Nick Cleaton. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C) 2007 Clinton Gormley. All Rights Reserved. LICENSE
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.10.1 2009-11-05 Parser(3pm)
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