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debian::control::stanza::source(3pm) [debian man page]

Debian::Control::Stanza::Source(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		      Debian::Control::Stanza::Source(3pm)

Debian::Control::Stanza::Source - source stanza of Debian source package control file SYNOPSIS
my $src = Debian::Control::Stanza::Source->new(\%data); print $src; # auto-stringification print $src->Build_Depends; # Debian::Dependencies object DESCRIPTION
Debian::Control::Stanza::Source can be used for representation and manipulation of "Source:" stanza of Debian source package control files in an object-oriented way. Converts itself to a textual representation in string context. FIELDS
The supported fields for source stanzas are listed below. For more information about each field's meaning, consult the section named "Source package control files -- debian/control" of the Debian Policy Manual at <> Note that real control fields may contain dashes in their names. These are replaced with underscores. Source Section Priority Maintainer Uploaders DM_Upload_Allowed Build_Conflicts Build_Conflicts_Indep Build_Depends Build_Depends_Indep Standards_Version Vcs_Browser Vcs_Bzr Vcs_CVS Vcs_Git Vcs_Svn Homepage XS_Autobuild All Build_... fields are converted into objects of Debian::Dependencies class upon construction. CONSTRUCTOR
new new( { field => value, ... } ) Creates a new Debian::Control::Stanza::Source object and optionally initializes it with the supplied data. SEE ALSO
Debian::Control::Stanza::Source inherits most of its functionality from Debian::Control::Stanza COPYRIGHT &; LICENSE Copyright (C) 2009 Damyan Ivanov This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. perl v5.14.2 2012-01-15 Debian::Control::Stanza::Source(3pm)

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Debian::Dependencies(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				 Debian::Dependencies(3pm)

Debian::Dependencies - a list of Debian::Dependency objects SYNOPSIS
my $dl = Debian::Dependencies->new('perl, libfoo-perl (>= 3.4)'); print $dl->[1]->ver; # 3.4 print $dl->[1]; # libfoo-perl (>= 3.4) print $dl; # perl, libfoo-perl (>= 3.4) $dl += 'libbar-perl'; print $dl; # perl, libfoo-perl (>= 3.4), libbar-perl print Debian::Dependencies->new('perl') + 'libfoo-bar-perl'; # simple 'sum' print Debian::Dependencies->new('perl') + Debian::Dependencies->new('libfoo, libbar'); # add (concatenate) two lists print Debian::Dependencies->new('perl') + Debian::Dependency->new('foo'); # add depeendency to a list DESCRIPTION
Debian::Dependencies a list of Debian::Dependency objects, with automatic construction and stringification. Objects of this class are blessed array references. You can safely treat them as arrayrefs, as long as the elements you put in them are instances of the Debian::Dependency class. When used in string context, Debian::Dependencies converts itself into a comma-delimitted list of dependencies, suitable for dependency fields of debian/control files. CLASS METHODS new(dependency-string) Constructs a new Debian::Dependencies object. Accepts one scalar argument, which is parsed and turned into an arrayref of Debian::Dependency objects. Each dependency should be delimitted by a comma and optional space. The exact regular expression is "/s*,s*/". OBJECT METHODS add( dependency[, ... ] ) Adds dependency (or a list of) to the list of dependencies. If the new dependency is a subset of or overlaps some of the old dependencies, it is not duplicated. my $d = Debian::Dependencies('foo, bar (<=4)'); $d->add('foo (>= 4), bar'); print "$d"; # foo (>= 4), bar (>= 4) dependency can be either a Debian::Dependency object, a Debian::Deendencies object, or a string (in which case it is converted to an instance of the Debian::Dependencies class). remove( dependency, ... ) =item remove( dependencies, ... ) Removes a dependency from the list of dependencies. Instances of Debian::Dependency and Debian::Dependencies classes are supported as arguments. Any non-reference arguments are coerced to instances of Debian::Dependencies class. Only dependencies that are subset of the given dependencies are removed: my $deps = Debian::Dependencies->new('foo (>= 1.2), bar'); $deps->remove('foo, bar (>= 2.0)'); print $deps; # bar Returns the list of the dependencies removed. has( dep ) Return true if the dependency list contains given dependency. In other words, this returns true if the list of dependencies guarantees that the given dependency will be satisfied. For example, "foo, bar" satisfies "foo", but not "foo (>= 5)". prune() This method is deprecated. If you want to sort the dependency list, either call "sort" or use normal perl sorting stuff on the dereferenced array. sort() Sorts the dependency list by packagee name, version and relation. SEE ALSO
Debian::Dependency AUTHOR
Damyan Ivanov <> COPYRIGHT &; LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Damyan Ivanov <> Copyright (C) 2009 gregor herrmann <> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. perl v5.14.2 2012-01-15 Debian::Dependencies(3pm)
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