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dbix::searchbuilder::handle::pg(3pm) [debian man page]

DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::Pg(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		      DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::Pg(3pm)

DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::Pg - A Postgres specific Handle object SYNOPSIS
This module provides a subclass of DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle that compensates for some of the idiosyncrasies of Postgres. METHODS
Connect Connect takes a hashref and passes it off to SUPER::Connect; Forces the timezone to GMT it returns a database handle. Insert Takes a table name as the first argument and assumes that the rest of the arguments are an array of key-value pairs to be inserted. In case of insert failure, returns a Class::ReturnValue object preloaded with error info. InsertQueryString Postgres sepcific overriding method for "InsertQueryString" in DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle. IdSequenceName TABLE Takes a TABLE name and returns the name of the sequence of the primary key for that table. BinarySafeBLOBs Return undef, as no current version of postgres supports binary-safe blobs ApplyLimits STATEMENTREF ROWS_PER_PAGE FIRST_ROW takes an SQL SELECT statement and massages it to return ROWS_PER_PAGE starting with FIRST_ROW; _MakeClauseCaseInsensitive FIELD OPERATOR VALUE Takes a field, operator and value. performs the magic necessary to make your database treat this clause as case insensitive. Returns a FIELD OPERATOR VALUE triple. DistinctQuery STATEMENTREF takes an incomplete SQL SELECT statement and massages it to return a DISTINCT result set. SimpleDateTimeFunctions Returns hash reference with specific date time functions of this database for "DateTimeFunction" in DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle. ConvertTimezoneFunction Custom implementation of "ConvertTimezoneFunction" in DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle. In Pg time and timestamp data types may be "with time zone" or "without time zone". So if Field argument is timestamp "with time zone" then From argument is not required and is useless. Otherwise From argument identifies time zone of the Field argument that is "without time zone". For consistency with other DBs use timestamp columns without time zones and provide From argument. SEE ALSO
DBIx::SearchBuilder, DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle perl v5.14.2 2011-09-21 DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::Pg(3pm)

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DBIx::SearchBuilder::Union(3pm) 			User Contributed Perl Documentation			   DBIx::SearchBuilder::Union(3pm)

DBIx::SearchBuilder::Union - Deal with multiple SearchBuilder result sets as one SYNOPSIS
use DBIx::SearchBuilder::Union; my $U = new DBIx::SearchBuilder::Union; $U->add( $tickets1 ); $U->add( $tickets2 ); $U->GotoFirstItem; while (my $z = $U->Next) { printf "%5d %30.30s ", $z->Id, $z->Subject; } WARNING
This module is still experimental. DESCRIPTION
Implements a subset of the DBIx::SearchBuilder collection methods, but enough to do iteration over a bunch of results. Useful for displaying the results of two unrelated searches (for the same kind of objects) in a single list. METHODS
new Create a new DBIx::SearchBuilder::Union object. No arguments. add $sb Add a searchbuilder result (collection) to the Union object. It must be the same type as the first object added. First Return the very first element of the Union (which is the first element of the first Collection). Also reset the current pointer to that element. Next Return the next element in the Union. Last Returns the last item Count Returns the total number of elements in the Union'ed Collection GotoFirstItem Starts the recordset counter over from the first item. the next time you call Next, you'll get the first item returned by the database, as if you'd just started iterating through the result set. IsLast Returns true if the current row is the last record in the set. ItemsArrayRef Return a refernece to an array containing all objects found by this search. Will destroy any positional state. AUTHOR
Copyright (c) 2004 Robert Spier All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO
DBIx::SearchBuilder perl v5.14.2 2011-07-28 DBIx::SearchBuilder::Union(3pm)
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