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convert::color::cmy(3pm) [debian man page]

Convert::Color::CMY(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				  Convert::Color::CMY(3pm)

"Convert::Color::CMY" - a color value represented as cyan/magenta/yellow SYNOPSIS
Directly: use Convert::Color::CMY; my $red = Convert::Color::CMY->new( 0, 1, 1 ); # Can also parse strings my $pink = Convert::Color::CMY->new( '0,0.3,0.3' ); Via Convert::Color: use Convert::Color; my $cyan = Convert::Color->new( 'cmy:1,0,0' ); DESCRIPTION
Objects in this class represent a color in CMY space, as a set of three floating-point values in the range 0 to 1. CONSTRUCTOR
$color = Convert::Color::CMY->new( $cyan, $magenta, $yellow ) Returns a new object to represent the set of values given. These values should be floating-point numbers between 0 and 1. Values outside of this range will be clamped. $color = Convert::Color::CMY->new( $string ) Parses $string for values, and construct a new object similar to the above three-argument form. The string should be in the form cyan,magenta,yellow containing the three floating-point values in decimal notation. METHODS
$c = $color->cyan $m = $color->magenta $y = $color->yellow Accessors for the three components of the color. ( $cyan, $magenta, $yellow ) = $color->cmy Returns the individual cyan, magenta and yellow color components of the color value. SEE ALSO
o Convert::Color - color space conversions o Convert::Color::RGB - a color value represented as red/green/blue o Convert::Color::CMYK - a color value represented as cyan/magenta/yellow/key AUTHOR
Paul Evans <> perl v5.12.3 2011-06-15 Convert::Color::CMY(3pm)

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Convert::Color::CMYK(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				 Convert::Color::CMYK(3pm)

"Convert::Color::CMYK" - a color value represented as cyan/magenta/yellow/key SYNOPSIS
Directly: use Convert::Color::CMYK; my $red = Convert::Color::CMYK->new( 0, 1, 1, 0 ); # Can also parse strings my $pink = Convert::Color::CMYK->new( '0,0.3,0.3,0' ); Via Convert::Color: use Convert::Color; my $cyan = Convert::Color->new( 'cmyk:1,0,0,0' ); DESCRIPTION
Objects in this class represent a color in CMYK space, as a set of four floating-point values in the range 0 to 1. CONSTRUCTOR
$color = Convert::Color::CMYK->new( $cyan, $magenta, $yellow, $key ) Returns a new object to represent the set of values given. These values should be floating-point numbers between 0 and 1. Values outside of this range will be clamped. $color = Convert::Color::CMYK->new( $string ) Parses $string for values, and construct a new object similar to the above three-argument form. The string should be in the form cyan,magenta,yellow,key containing the three floating-point values in decimal notation. METHODS
$c = $color->cyan $m = $color->magenta $y = $color->yellow $k = $color->key Accessors for the four components of the color. $k = $color->black An alias to "key" ( $cyan, $magenta, $yellow, $key ) = $color->cmyk Returns the individual cyan, magenta, yellow and key components of the color value. SEE ALSO
o Convert::Color - color space conversions o Convert::Color::CMY - a color value represented as cyan/magenta/yellow AUTHOR
Paul Evans <> perl v5.12.3 2011-06-15 Convert::Color::CMYK(3pm)
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