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statistics::basic::stddev(3pm) [debian man page]

Statistics::Basic::StdDev(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			    Statistics::Basic::StdDev(3pm)

Statistics::Basic::StdDev - find the standard deviation of a list SYNOPSIS
Invoke it this way: my $stddev = stddev(1,2,3); Or this way: my $v1 = vector(1,2,3); my $std = stddev($v1); And then either query the values or print them like so: print "The stddev of $v1: $std "; my $sq = $std->query; my $s0 = 0+$std; Create a 20 point "moving" stddev like so: use Statistics::Basic qw(:all nofill); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select col1 from data where something"); my $len = 20; my $std = stddev()->set_size($len); $sth->execute or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->bind_columns( my $val ) or die $dbh->errstr; while( $sth->fetch ) { $std->insert( $val ); if( defined( my $s = $std->query ) ) { print "StdDev: $s "; } # This would also work: # print "StdDev: $s " $std->query_filled; } METHODS
new() The constructor takes a list of values, a single array ref, or a single Statistics::Basic::Vector as arguments. It returns a Statistics::Basic::StdDev object. Note: normally you'd use the mean() constructor, rather than building these by hand using "new()". query_mean() Returns the Statistics::Basic::Mean object used in the standard deviation computation. _OVB::import() This module also inherits all the overloads and methods from Statistics::Basic::_OneVectorBase. OVERLOADS
This object is overloaded. It tries to return an appropriate string for the calculation or the value of the computation in numeric context. In boolean context, this object is always true (even when empty). AUTHOR
Paul Miller "<>" I am using this software in my own projects... If you find bugs, please please please let me know. :) Actually, let me know if you find it handy at all. Half the fun of releasing this stuff is knowing that people use it. COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2012 Paul Miller -- Licensed under the LGPL SEE ALSO
perl(1), Statistics::Basic, Statistics::Basic::_OneVectorBase, Statistics::Basic::Vector perl v5.14.2 2012-01-23 Statistics::Basic::StdDev(3pm)

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Statistics::Basic::Vector(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			    Statistics::Basic::Vector(3pm)

Statistics::Basic::Vector - a class for handling lists of numbers SYNOPSIS
Invoke it this way: my $vector = vector(1,2,3); my $same_vector = vector($vector); my $different = $vector->copy; This module tracks which of the other Statistics::Basic modules use it. That's it's primary purpose. Although, it does also have overloads to print the vectors in a pretty fashion. print "$vector "; # pretty printed METHODS
new() The constructor can take a single array ref or a single Statistics::Basic::Vector as its argument. It can also take a list of values. It returns a Statistics::Basic::Vector object. If given a vector object argument, this function will return the argument rather than creating a new vector. This mainly used by the other Statistics::Basic modules to try to prevent duplicate calculations. A vector's max size is set to the size of the argument or list on initialization. Note: normally you'd use the vector() constructor, rather than building these by hand using "new()". copy() Creates a new vector object with the same contents and size as this one and returns it. my $v1 = vector(3,7,9); my $v2 = $v1->copy(); # $v2 is a new object, separate vector my $v3 = vector($v1); # $v3 is the same object as $v1 insert() Insert new values into the vector. If the vector was already full (see "set_size()"), this will also shift oldest elements from the vector to compensate. $vector->insert( 4, 3 ); # insert a 3 and a 4 This function returns the object itself, for chaining purposes. append() ginsert() Insert new values into the vector. If the vector was already full (see "set_size()"), these functions will grow the size of the vector to accommodate the new values, rather than shifting things. "ginsert()" does the same thing. $vector->append( 4, 3 ); # append a 3 and a 4 This function returns the object itself, for chaining purposes. query() "query()" returns the contents of the vector either as a list or as an arrayref. my @copy_of_contents = $vector->query; my $reference_to_contents = $vector->query; Note that changing the $reference_to_contents will not usefully affect the contents of the vector itself, but it will adversely affect any computations based on the vector. If you need to change the contents of a vector in a special way, use a Statistics::Basic::ComputedVector object instead. Keeping $reference_to_contents available long term should work acceptably (since it refers to the vector contents itself). query_filled() Returns true when the vector is the same size as the max size set by "set_size()". This function isn't useful unless operating under the effects of the nofill setting. query_size() Returns the current number of elements in the vector object (not the size set with "set_size()"). This is almost never false unless you're using the nofill setting. set_size() Sets the max size of the vector. my $v1 = vector(1,2,3); $v1->set_size(7); # [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3] Unless nofill is set, the vector will be filled with 0s (assuming the vector wouldn't otherwise be full) on the oldest side of the vector (so an insert will push off one of the filled-zeros). This function returns the object itself, for chaining purposes. my $v1 = vector(2 .. 5)->set_size(5); # [0, 2, 3, 4, 5] set_vector() Given a vector or array ref, this will set the contents (and size) of the input vector to match the argument. If given a vector object argument, this will make the two vectors match, while still remaining separate objects. my $v1 = vector(3,7,9); my $v2 = vector()->set_vector($v1); my $v3 = vector($v1); # $v3 is the same object as $v1 This function returns the object itself, for chaining purposes. OVERLOADS
This object is overloaded. It tries to return an appropriate string for the vector and raises errors in numeric context. In boolean context, this object is always true (even when empty). AUTHOR
Paul Miller "<>" COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2012 Paul Miller -- Licensed under the LGPL SEE ALSO
perl(1), Statistics::Basic perl v5.14.2 2012-01-23 Statistics::Basic::Vector(3pm)
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