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plmeshc(3plplot) [debian man page]

PLMESHC(3plplot)						    PLplot API							  PLMESHC(3plplot)

plmeshc - Magnitude colored plot surface mesh with contour. SYNOPSIS
plmeshc(x, y, z, nx, ny, opt, clevel, nlevel) DESCRIPTION
Identical to plmesh but with extra functionalities: the surface mesh can be colored accordingly to the current z value being plotted, a contour plot can be drawn at the base XY plane, and a curtain can be drawn between the plotted function border and the base XY plane. Redacted form: plmeshc(x, y, z, opt, clevel) This function is used in example 11. ARGUMENTS
x (PLFLT *, input) Pointer to set of x coordinate values at which the function is evaluated. y (PLFLT *, input) Pointer to set of y coordinate values at which the function is evaluated. z (PLFLT **, input) Pointer to a vectored two-dimensional array with set of function values. nx (PLINT, input) Number of x values at which function is evaluated. ny (PLINT, input) Number of y values at which function is evaluated. opt (PLINT, input) Determines the way in which the surface is represented. To specify more than one option just add the options, e.g. DRAW_LINEXY + MAG_COLOR opt=DRAW_LINEX: Lines are drawn showing z as a function of x for each value of y[j]. opt=DRAW_LINEY: Lines are drawn showing z as a function of y for each value of x[i]. opt=DRAW_LINEXY: Network of lines is drawn connecting points at which function is defined. opt=MAG_COLOR: Each line in the mesh is colored according to the z value being plotted. The color is used from the cur- rent colormap 1. opt=BASE_CONT: A contour plot is drawn at the base XY plane using parameters nlevel and clevel. opt=DRAW_SIDES: draws a curtain between the base XY plane and the borders of the plotted function. clevel (PLFLT *, input) Pointer to the array that defines the contour level spacing. nlevel (PLINT, input) Number of elements in the clevel array. AUTHORS
Geoffrey Furnish and Maurice LeBrun wrote and maintain PLplot. This man page was automatically generated from the DocBook source of the PLplot documentation, maintained by Alan W. Irwin and Rafael Laboissiere. SEE ALSO
PLplot documentation at August, 2012 PLMESHC(3plplot)

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PLOT3D(3plplot) 						    PLplot API							   PLOT3D(3plplot)

plot3d - Plot 3-d surface plot SYNOPSIS
plot3d(x, y, z, nx, ny, opt, side) DESCRIPTION
Plots a three dimensional surface plot within the environment set up by plw3d(3plplot). The surface is defined by the two-dimensional array z[nx][ny], the point z[i][j] being the value of the function at (x[i], y[j]). Note that the points in arrays x and y do not need to be equally spaced, but must be stored in ascending order. The parameter opt controls the way in which the surface is displayed. For fur- ther details see the PLplot documentation. The only difference between plmesh(3plplot) and plot3d(3plplot) is that plmesh(3plplot) draws the bottom side of the surface, while plot3d(3plplot) only draws the surface as viewed from the top. Redacted form: plot3d(x, y, z, opt, side) This function is used in examples 11,21. ARGUMENTS
x (PLFLT *, input) Pointer to set of x coordinate values at which the function is evaluated. y (PLFLT *, input) Pointer to set of y coordinate values at which the function is evaluated. z (PLFLT **, input) Pointer to a vectored two-dimensional array with set of function values. nx (PLINT, input) Number of x values at which function is evaluated. ny (PLINT, input) Number of y values at which function is evaluated. opt (PLINT, input) Determines the way in which the surface is represented: opt=DRAW_LINEX: Lines are drawn showing z as a function of x for each value of y[j]. opt=DRAW_LINEY: Lines are drawn showing z as a function of y for each value of x[i]. opt=DRAW_LINEXY: Network of lines is drawn connecting points at which function is defined. side (PLBOOL, input) Flag to indicate whether or not ``sides'' should be draw on the figure. If side is true sides are drawn, otherwise no sides are drawn. AUTHORS
Geoffrey Furnish and Maurice LeBrun wrote and maintain PLplot. This man page was automatically generated from the DocBook source of the PLplot documentation, maintained by Alan W. Irwin and Rafael Laboissiere. SEE ALSO
PLplot documentation at August, 2012 PLOT3D(3plplot)
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