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mtext_get_prop_values(3m17n) [debian man page]

mtext_get_prop_values(3m17n)					 The m17n Library				      mtext_get_prop_values(3m17n)

mtext_get_prop_values - Get multiple values of a text property. SYNOPSIS
int mtext_get_prop_values (MText * mt, int pos, MSymbol key, void ** values, int num) DESCRIPTION
Get multiple values of a text property. The mtext_get_prop_values() function searches the character at pos in M-text mt for the property whose key is key. If such a property is found, its values are stored in the memory area pointed to by values. num limits the maximum number of stored values. RETURN VALUE
If the operation was successful, mtext_get_prop_values() returns the number of actually stored values. If the character at pos does not have a property whose key is key, the return value is 0. If an error is detected, mtext_get_prop_values() returns -1 and assigns an error code to the external variable merror_code. ERRORS
mtext_get_prop(), mtext_put_prop(), mtext_put_prop_values(), mtext_push_prop(), mtext_pop_prop(), mtext_prop_range() COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2001 Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) Copyright (C) 2001-2011 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License <>. Version 1.6.2 12 Jan 2011 mtext_get_prop_values(3m17n)

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mtext_put_prop(3m17n)						 The m17n Library					     mtext_put_prop(3m17n)

mtext_put_prop - Set a text property. SYNOPSIS
int mtext_put_prop (MText * mt, int from, int to, MSymbol key, void * val) DESCRIPTION
Set a text property. The mtext_put_prop() function sets a text property to the characters between from (inclusive) and to (exclusive) in M-text mt. key and val specify the key and the value of the text property. With this function, FROM TO M-text: |<------------|-------- MT ---------|------------>| PROP : <------------------ OLD_VAL --------------------> becomes FROM TO M-text: |<------------|-------- MT ---------|------------>| PROP : <-- OLD_VAL-><-------- VAL -------><-- OLD_VAL--> RETURN VALUE
If the operation was successful, mtext_put_prop() returns 0. Otherwise it returns -1 and assigns an error code to the external variable merror_code. ERRORS
mtext_put_prop_values(), mtext_get_prop(), mtext_get_prop_values(), mtext_push_prop(), mtext_pop_prop(), mtext_prop_range() COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2001 Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) Copyright (C) 2001-2011 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License <>. Version 1.6.2 12 Jan 2011 mtext_put_prop(3m17n)
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