pop out screen with user input

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# 1  
Old 10-03-2007
Data pop out screen with user input

is it possible to have a small screen pop out on text-unix (no gui unix) and wait for user input?

i have an EOD process that i need to execute, the problem is the developer needs to be properly remove from the system. the problem is, the developer is the boss, you can't force them out of the system until they're done. so, what i'm thinking is to have a screen pop out and ask them to logoff or delay for about 10 minutes or 20 minutes. the reason for this is to be able to script it and no admin intervention. and i can sleep without any problem at night except an error trigger.

is this possible? i need the screen to just dissappear and put back previous screen (just it was and no screwing up the developer screen).

# 2  
Old 10-03-2007
What system is this?

What console is the user sitting at?

Does the system have wscreens active on the relavent console?

"wall" is your best bet.
# 3  
Old 10-03-2007
I think I will just do this in windows, i think it's impossible to do this in text-unix without screwing up with the developers screen. in windows i can write a pop-out script to tell them to logout on unix so that the EOD will run and backup.

# 4  
Old 10-03-2007
Do you mean X-Windows?

How are you going to authenticate to use their X terminal?
# 5  
Old 10-03-2007

no, the message broadcast is on windows xp not x-windows. of course, they're not using one unix workstation each. they're connected to one aix server thru XP/telnet.

when they all agree, i'll send a script from windows 2003 to unix to execute the EOD and backup.

# 6  
Old 10-04-2007
Originally Posted by venerayan
I think I will just do this in windows, i think it's impossible to do this in text-unix without screwing up with the developers screen. in windows i can write a pop-out script to tell them to logout on unix so that the EOD will run and backup.

How long does your EOD & Backup take to run from end to end ??
If you are tight for time, you may want to consider creating a script which logs off users and kicks off your EOD & Backup.

[my 2 cents] Smilie

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