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pcap_fopen_offline(3pcap) [debian man page]


pcap_open_offline, pcap_fopen_offline - open a saved capture file for reading SYNOPSIS
#include <pcap/pcap.h> char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; pcap_t *pcap_open_offline(const char *fname, char *errbuf); pcap_t *pcap_fopen_offline(FILE *fp, char *errbuf); DESCRIPTION
pcap_open_offline() is called to open a ``savefile'' for reading. fname specifies the name of the file to open. The file can have the pcap file format as described in pcap-savefile(5), which is the file format used by, among other programs, tcpdump(1) and tcpslice(1), or can have the pcap-ng file format, although not all pcap-ng files can be read. The name "-" in a synonym for stdin. Alternatively, you may call pcap_fopen_offline() to read dumped data from an existing open stream fp. Note that on Windows, that stream should be opened in binary mode. RETURN VALUE
pcap_open_offline() and pcap_fopen_offline() return a pcap_t * on success and NULL on failure. If NULL is returned, errbuf is filled in with an appropriate error message. errbuf is assumed to be able to hold at least PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE chars. SEE ALSO
pcap(3PCAP), pcap-savefile(5) 5 April 2008 PCAP_OPEN_OFFLINE(3PCAP)

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PCAP_OPEN_OFFLINE(3PCAP)                                                                                                  PCAP_OPEN_OFFLINE(3PCAP)

pcap_open_offline, pcap_fopen_offline - open a saved capture file for reading SYNOPSIS
#include <pcap/pcap.h> char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; pcap_t *pcap_open_offline(const char *fname, char *errbuf); pcap_t *pcap_fopen_offline(FILE *fp, char *errbuf); DESCRIPTION
pcap_open_offline() is called to open a ``savefile'' for reading. fname specifies the name of the file to open. The file can have the pcap file format as described in pcap-savefile(5), which is the file format used by, among other programs, tcpdump(1) and tcpslice(1), or can have the pcap-ng file format, although not all pcap-ng files can be read. The name "-" in a synonym for stdin. Alternatively, you may call pcap_fopen_offline() to read dumped data from an existing open stream fp. Note that on Windows, that stream should be opened in binary mode. RETURN VALUE
pcap_open_offline() and pcap_fopen_offline() return a pcap_t * on success and NULL on failure. If NULL is returned, errbuf is filled in with an appropriate error message. errbuf is assumed to be able to hold at least PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE chars. SEE ALSO
pcap(3PCAP), pcap-savefile(5) 5 April 2008 PCAP_OPEN_OFFLINE(3PCAP)
Man Page

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