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stfl(3) [debian man page]

libstfl()																 libstfl()

libstfl - structured terminal forms language/library SYNOPSIS
#include <ncurses.h> #include <stfl.h> struct stfl_form *stfl_create( char *text); void stfl_free(struct stfl_form *f); char *stfl_run(struct stfl_form *f, int timeout); void stfl_reset(); char *stfl_get(struct stfl_form *f, char *name); void stfl_set(struct stfl_form *f, char *name, char *value); char *stfl_get_focus(struct stfl_form *f); void stfl_set_focus(struct stfl_form *f, char *name); char *stfl_quote( char *text); char *stfl_dump(struct stfl_form *f, char *name, char *prefix, int focus); void stfl_modify(struct stfl_form *f, char *name, char *mode, const char *text); char *stfl_lookup(struct stfl_form *f, char *path, char *newname); char *stfl_error(); void stfl_error_action( char *mode); DESCRIPTION
stfl is a library which implements a curses-based widget set for text terminals. A special language (the Structured Terminal Forms Lan- guage) is used to describe stfl GUIs. The language is designed to be easy and fast to write so an application programmer does not need to spend ages fiddling around with the GUI and can concentrate on the more interesting programming tasks. stfl_create Parses the the stfl description text passed as parameter and returns a form handler. stfl_free Free all resources associated with this form stfl_run Return the next event. If no more prior generated events are waiting display the form and process one input character. stfl_reset The stfl_run() function automatically activates ncurses. This function can be used to explicitely switch back to normal text mode. In some languages this is automatically done on program termination. stfl_get Returns the current value of the specified variable. When the variable does not exist this function returns an undefined value. stfl_set This sets the specified variable to the specified value. stfl_get_focus Returns the name of the widget which currently has the focus or an undefined value when the widget having the focus has no name. stfl_set_focus Set the focus to the specified widget. setfl_quote Quote the text so it can be savely used as variable value in stfl code. stfl_dump Return the subtree starting with the widget specified in the 2nd parameter as stfl code fragment. stfl_modify Import the stfl code specified in the 4th parameter to an existing form. The 2nd parameter is used to specify a widget which is used as starting point for the modification. The 3rd parameter is a string specifying how the new stfl code should be added to the widget tree. stfl_lookup Lookup widgets in the form using a path and optionally assign a new name. This function is not implemented yet. stfl_error Set the error handling algorithm. AUTHORS
stfl is developed by Clifford Wolf <>. This manual page was written by Nico Golde <> for the Debian system (but may be used by others). SEE ALSO
ncurses(3) /usr/include/stfl.h /usr/share/doc/libstfl-dev/README.gz libstfl()

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XmIsTraversable(library call)											     XmIsTraversable(library call)

XmIsTraversable -- A function that identifies whether a widget can be traversed SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Xm.h> Boolean XmIsTraversable( Widget widget); DESCRIPTION
XmIsTraversable determines whether the specified widget is eligible to receive focus through keyboard traversal. In general, a widget is eligible to receive focus when all of the following conditions are true: o The widget and its ancestors are not being destroyed, are sensitive, and have a value of True for XmNtraversalOn. o The widget and its ancestors are realized, managed, and (except for gadgets) mapped. If an application unmaps a widget that has its XmNmappedWhenManaged resource set to True, the return value is undefined. o Some part of the widget's rectangular area is unobscured by the widget's ancestors, or some part of the widget's rectangular area is inside the work window (but possibly outside the clip window) of a ScrolledWindow whose XmNscrollingPolicy is XmAUTOMATIC and whose XmNtraverseObscuredCallback is not NULL. Some widgets may not be eligible to receive focus even if they meet all these conditions. For example, most managers cannot receive focus through keyboard traversal. Some widgets may be eligible to receive focus under particular conditions. For example, a DrawingArea is eli- gible to receive focus if it meets the conditions above and has no child whose XmNtraversalOn resource is True. Note that when all widgets in a shell hierarchy have been made untraversable, they are considered to have lost focus. When a widget in this hierarchy is made traversable again, it regains focus. XmIsTraversable may return unexpected results when widget or its ancestors are overlapped by their siblings. widget Specifies the ID of the widget RETURN
Returns True if the widget is eligible to receive focus through keyboard traversal; otherwise, returns False. RELATED
XmGetVisibility(3) and XmProcessTraversal(3). XmIsTraversable(library call)
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