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px_get_data_blob(3) [debian man page]

PX_GET_DATA_BLOB(3)					     Library Functions Manual					       PX_GET_DATA_BLOB(3)

PX_get_data_blob -- Get blob data field SYNOPSIS
#include <paradox.h> int PX_get_data_blob(pxdoc_t *pxdoc, char *data, int len, int *mod, int *blobsize, char **value) DESCRIPTION
Reads a blob data field. This function may be used for all types of blobs except for fields of type pxfGraphic. data points to the start of the data field in the record. It must be calculated by summing up all field length before the field to operate on and add it to the base pointer of the record. You should use this function instead of accessing the data directly. PX_get_data_blob returns blob data stored in the record itself, or in an MB files which must have been set with PX_set_blob_file(3). The function allocates memory for the data returned in *value. This memory has to be freed by the application, if the function returns suc- cessfully. The amount of memory for the blob is returned in *blobsize. *mod returns the so called modification number of the blob which can often be used as an unique id for creating file names, if the data is saved in a file. Note: This function is deprecated and obsolete if PX_retrieve_record(3) is used. RETURN VALUE
Returns 0 if the value is NULL, -1 in case of an error and 1 otherwise. SEE ALSO
PX_get_data_graphic(3), PX_get_data_bcd(3), PX_get_data_byte(3), PX_get_data_long(3), PX_get_data_short(3), PX_get_data_double(3), PX_get_data_byte(3), PX_get_data_bytes(3) AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Uwe Steinmann PX_GET_DATA_BLOB(3)

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PX_INSERT_RECORD(3)					     Library Functions Manual					       PX_INSERT_RECORD(3)

PX_insert_record -- Inserts a new record in the Paradox file SYNOPSIS
#include <paradox.h> int PX_insert_record(pxdoc_t *pxdoc, pxval_t **dataptr) DESCRIPTION
Inserts a new record stored in the array dataptr into a Paradox file. The position of the record will be determined by the function itself, starting at the beginning of the file and searching towards the end for a free slot. A free slot can be the result of former calls of PX_delete_record(3) or not completely filled data blocks in the input file. If there is no free slot within the file, then a new record will be added at the end. Blobs will be automatically written if a blob file was set with PX_set_blob_file(3). The memory for dataptr and the field values can be freed after PX_insert_record has been called. Each single element in the array of pointers to pxval_t can be easily created with MAKE_PXVAL(pxdoc_t *pxdoc, pxval_t *val) and setting the actual value afterwards. A quite common way to build up the record is the following: dataptr = (pxval_t **) malloc(PX_get_num_fields(pxdoc)*sizeof(pxval_t *)); MAKE_PXVAL(pxdoc, dataptr[0]); dataptr[0]->type = pxfLong; dataptr[0]->value.lval = 45; dataptr[1]->type = pxfAlpha; dataptr[1]->value.str.val = "test"; dataptr[1]->value.str.len = 4; PX_insert_record(pxdoc, dataptr); free(dataptr[0]); free(dataptr[1]); free(dataptr); There is currently no need to set the type, though it is recommended. The field types pxfMemoBLOb and pxfFmtMemoBLOb are treated like strings. Fields of type pxfAutoInc are automatically incremented if its value is set to NULL. In such a case the value is taken from the header of the database. You should not have more than one field of type pxfAutoInc in your database, otherwise the automatic incrementation will not work. RETURN VALUE
Returns the record number on success or -1 on failure. The number of the first record is 0. SEE ALSO
PX_retrieve_record(3), PX_delete_record(3), PX_update_record(3) AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Uwe Steinmann PX_INSERT_RECORD(3)
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