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proxypolicy(3) [debian man page]

ProxyPolicy(3)						       globus gsi proxy ssl						    ProxyPolicy(3)

ProxyPolicy - Data Structures struct PROXYPOLICY_st Get a method for ASN1 conversion ASN1_METHOD * PROXYPOLICY_asn1_meth () New PROXYPOLICY * PROXYPOLICY_new () Free void PROXYPOLICY_free (PROXYPOLICY *policy) Duplicate PROXYPOLICY * PROXYPOLICY_dup (PROXYPOLICY *policy) Compare int PROXYPOLICY_cmp (const PROXYPOLICY *a, const PROXYPOLICY *b) Print to a BIO stream int PROXYPOLICY_print (BIO *bp, PROXYPOLICY *policy) Print to a File Stream int PROXYPOLICY_print_fp (FILE *fp, PROXYPOLICY *policy) Set the Policy Language Field int PROXYPOLICY_set_policy_language (PROXYPOLICY *policy, ASN1_OBJECT *policy_language) Get the Policy Language Field ASN1_OBJECT * PROXYPOLICY_get_policy_language (PROXYPOLICY *policy) Set the Policy Field int PROXYPOLICY_set_policy (PROXYPOLICY *proxypolicy, unsigned char *policy, int length) Get the Policy Field unsigned char * PROXYPOLICY_get_policy (PROXYPOLICY *policy, int *length) Convert from Internal to DER encoded form int i2d_PROXYPOLICY (PROXYPOLICY *a, unsigned char **pp) Convert from DER encoded form to Internal PROXYPOLICY * d2i_PROXYPOLICY (PROXYPOLICY **a, unsigned char **pp, long length) Detailed Description Author: Sam Meder Sam Lang The proxypolicy set of data structures and functions provides an interface to generating a PROXYPOLICY structure which is maintained as a field in the PROXYCERTINFO structure, and ultimately gets written to a DER encoded string. See also: Further Information about proxy policies is available in the X.509 Proxy Certificate Profile document. Function Documentation ASN1_METHOD* PROXYPOLICY_asn1_meth () Creates an ASN1_METHOD structure, which contains pointers to routines that convert any PROXYPOLICY structure to its associated ASN1 DER encoded form and vice-versa. Returns: the ASN1_METHOD object PROXYPOLICY* PROXYPOLICY_new () Allocates and initializes a new PROXYPOLICY structure. Returns: pointer to the new PROXYPOLICY void PROXYPOLICY_free (PROXYPOLICY *policy) Frees a PROXYPOLICY. Parameters: policy the proxy policy to free PROXYPOLICY* PROXYPOLICY_dup (PROXYPOLICY *policy) Makes a copy of the proxypolicy - this function allocates space for a new PROXYPOLICY, so the returned PROXYPOLICY must be freed when its no longer needed. Parameters: policy the proxy policy to copy Returns: the new PROXYPOLICY int PROXYPOLICY_cmp (const PROXYPOLICY *a, const PROXYPOLICY *b) Compares two PROXYPOLICY structs for equality This function first compares the policy language numeric id's, if they're equal, it then compares the two policies. Returns: 0 if equal, nonzero if not int PROXYPOLICY_print (BIO *bp, PROXYPOLICY *policy) Prints the PROXYPOLICY struct using the BIO stream. Parameters: bp the BIO stream to print to policy the PROXYPOLICY to print Returns: 1 on success, 0 on error int PROXYPOLICY_print_fp (FILE *fp, PROXYPOLICY *policy) Prints the PROXYPOLICY to the file stream FILE*. Parameters: fp the FILE* stream to print to policy the PROXYPOLICY to print Returns: number of bytes printed, -2 or -1 on error int PROXYPOLICY_set_policy_language (PROXYPOLICY *policy, ASN1_OBJECT *policy_language) Sets the policy language of the PROXYPOLICY. Parameters: policy the PROXYPOLICY to set the policy language of policy_language the policy language to set it to Returns: 1 on success, 0 on error ASN1_OBJECT* PROXYPOLICY_get_policy_language (PROXYPOLICY *policy) Gets the policy language of the PROXYPOLICY. Parameters: policy the proxy policy to get the policy language of Returns: the policy language as an ASN1_OBJECT int PROXYPOLICY_set_policy (PROXYPOLICY *proxypolicy, unsigned char *policy, intlength) Sets the policy of the PROXYPOLICY. Parameters: proxypolicy the proxy policy to set the policy of policy the policy to set it to length the length of the policy Returns: 1 on success, 0 on error unsigned char* PROXYPOLICY_get_policy (PROXYPOLICY *policy, int *length) Gets the policy of a PROXYPOLICY. Parameters: policy the PROXYPOLICY to get the policy of length the length of the returned policy - this value gets set by this function Returns: the policy int i2d_PROXYPOLICY (PROXYPOLICY *a, unsigned char **pp) Converts a PROXYPOLICY from its internal structure to a DER encoded form. Parameters: a the PROXYPOLICY to convert pp the buffer to put the DER encoding in Returns: the length of the DER encoding in bytes PROXYPOLICY* d2i_PROXYPOLICY (PROXYPOLICY **a, unsigned char **pp, longlength) Converts the PROXYPOLICY from its DER encoded form to an internal PROXYPOLICY structure. Parameters: a the PROXYPOLICY struct to set pp the DER encoding to get the PROXYPOLICY from length the length of the DER encoding Returns: the resulting PROXYPOLICY in its internal structure form - this variable has been allocated using _new routines, so it needs to be freed once its no longer used Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for globus gsi proxy ssl from the source code. Version 4.1 Wed Jan 25 2012 ProxyPolicy(3)
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