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icetcreatecontext(3) [debian man page]

icetCreateContext(3)						  IceT Reference					      icetCreateContext(3)

icetCreateContext -- creates a new context. Synopsis #include <IceT.h> IceTContext icetCreateContext( IceTCommunicator comm ); Description The icetCreateContext function creates a new .igcontext!IceT IceT context, makes it current, and returns a handle to the new context. The handle returned is of type IceTContext. This is an opaque type that should not be handled directly, but rather simply passed to other IceT functions. Like OpenGL ,the IceT engine behaves like a large state machine. The parameters for engine operation is held in the current state. The entire state is encapsulated in a context. Each new context contains its own state. It is therefore possible to change the entire current state of IceT by simply switching contexts. Switching contexts is much faster, and often more convenient, than trying to change many state parameters. Errors None. Warnings None. Bugs It may be tempting to use contexts to run different IceT operations on separate program threads. Although certainly possible, great care must be taken. First of all, all threads will share the same context. Second of all, IceT is not thread safe. Therefore, a multi-threaded program would have to run all IceT commands in `critical sections' to ensure that the correct context is being used, and the methods exe- cute safely in general. Notes icetCreateContext duplicates the communicator comm. Thus, to avoid deadlocks on certain implementations (such as MPI), the user level pro- gram should call icetCreateContext on all processes with the same comm object at about the same time. Copyright Copyright (C)2003 Sandia Corporation Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. This source code is released under the New BSD License. See Also icetDestroyContext(3), icetGetContext(3), icetSetContext(3), icetCopyState(3), icetGet(3) IceT Reference August 9, 2010 icetCreateContext(3)

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icetSingleImageStrategy(3)					  IceT Reference					icetSingleImageStrategy(3)

icetSingleImageStrategy -- set the sub-strategy used to composite the image for a single tile. Synopsis #include <IceT.h> void icetSingleImageStrategy( IceTEnum strategy ); Description The main IceT algorithms are specially designed to composite data defined on multiple tiles. Some of these algorithms, namely ICET_STRAT- EGY_REDUCE and ICET_STRATEGY_SEQUENTIAL, operate at least in part by compositing single images together. IceT also comes with multiple sep- arate strategies for performing this single image compositing, and this can be selected with the icetSingleImageStrategy function. A single image strategy is chosen from one of the following provided enumerated values: ICET_SINGLE_IMAGE_STRATEGY_AUTOMATIC Automatically chooses which single image strategy to use based on the number of processes participating in the composition. ICET_SINGLE_IMAGE_STRATEGY_BSWAP The classic binary swap compositing algorithm. At each phase of the algorithm, each process partners with another, sends half of its image to its partner, and receives the opposite half from its partner. The processes are then partitioned into two groups that each have the same image part, and the algorithm recurses. ICET_SINGLE_IMAGE_STRATEGY_RADIXK The radix-k acompositing algorithm is similar to binary swap except that groups of processes can be larger than two. Larger groups require more overall messages but overlap blending and communication. The size of the groups is indirectly controlled by the ICET_MAGIC_K environment variable or CMake variable. ICET_SINGLE_IMAGE_STRATEGY_TREE At each phase, each process partners with another, and one of the processes sends its entire image to the other. The algorithm recurses with the group of processes that received images until only one process has an image. By default IceT sets the single image strategy to ICET_SINGLE_IMAGE_STRATEGY_AUTOMATIC when a context is created. This is the single image strategy that will be used if no other is selected. Errors ICET_INVALID_ENUM The strategy argument does not represent a valid single image strategy. Warnings None. Bugs None known. Copyright Copyright (C)2010 Sandia Corporation Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. This source code is released under the New BSD License. See Also icetDrawFrame(3), icetGetStrategyName(3) icetSingleImageStrategy(3) IceT Reference August 9, 2010 icetSingleImageStrategy(3)
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