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ftpdir(3) [debian man page]

FtpDir(3)						     Library Functions Manual							 FtpDir(3)

FtpDir - Performs a verbose directory. SYNOPSIS
#include <ftplib.h> int FtpDir(const char *outputfile, const char *path, netbuf *nControl); PARAMETERS
outputfile Name of a local file to receive the directory listing. path File specification to pass to remote 'ls'. nControl A handle returned by FtpConnect(). DESCRIPTION
Sends a LIST command to the server with the specified path. The response to this is usually a long format directory listing which will be written to the file named in outputfile. If outputfile is specified as NULL, the list will be written to stdout. RETURN VALUE
Returns 1 if successful or 0 on error. FTPlib 06 November 1997 FtpDir(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

modelicac(1)						      General Commands Manual						      modelicac(1)

modelicac - modelicac is a compiler for a subset of the Modelica language including parts of the 'equation' subset that can express rela- tions between Real variable. SYNOPSIS
modelicac [-c] [-o <outputfile>] <inputfile> [ -L directory | -hpath directory | -keep-all-variables | -jac | -no-parameter-removal | -no- simplifs | -trace filename | -xml ] This manual page documents briefly the modelicac commands. Note that modelicac is only available on the platform which are supported by ocamlopt (ie amd64 hurd-i386 i386 powerpc sparc) OPTIONS
A complete list of options is included below. -c Compile only, do not instantiate. Modelicac produces a "*.moc" file when invoked with that option. -o outputfile Set output file name to <outputfile> (this option also works with -c option but is somewhat useless because of the class name restrictions given above). -L directory Add <directory> to the list of directories to be searched when producing a C file (no effect when used with -c). -hpath directory Specify a path to be added to #include directives in the generated C code. -keep-all-variables Do not remove any variable from the initial system. -jac Generate analytic jacobian matrix code. -no-parameter-removal Do not remove any parameter -no-simplifs Same as -keep-all-variables -no-parameter-removal -trace filename Generate tracing information for external function calls into <filename> -xml Generate an XML version of the model instead of target code AUTHOR
Modelicac was written by TNI-Valiosys and Imagineby. This manual page was written by Sylvestre Ledru <>. November 18, 2008 modelicac(1)
Man Page

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