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dbix::datasource(3) [debian man page]

DataSource(3)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					     DataSource(3)

DBIx::DataSource - Database-independant create and drop functions SYNOPSIS
use DBIx::DataSource qw( create_database drop_database ); create_database( $data_source, $username, $password ) or warn $DBIx::DataSource::errstr; drop_database( $data_source, $username, $password ) or warn $DBIx::DataSource::errstr; DESCRIPTION
This module implements create_database and drop_database functions for databases. It aims to provide a common interface to database cre- ation and deletion regardless of the actual database being used. Currently supported databases are MySQL and PostgreSQL. Assistance adding support for other databases is welcomed and relatively simple - see DBIx::DataSource::Driver. FUNCTIONS
create_database DATA_SOURCE USERNAME PASSWORD Create the database specified by the given DBI data source. drop_database DATA_SOURCE Drop the database specified by the given DBI data source. AUTHOR
Ivan Kohler <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2000 Ivan Kohler Copyright (c) 2000 Mail Abuse Prevention System LLC All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. BUGS
If DBI data sources were objects, these functions would be methods. SEE ALSO
DBIx::DataSource::Driver, DBIx::DataSource::mysql, DBIx::DataSource::Pg, DBI perl v5.8.0 2000-09-25 DataSource(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

DataSource::Driver(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				     DataSource::Driver(3)

DBIx::DataSource::Driver - Driver Writer's Guide and base class SYNOPSIS
perldoc DBIx::DataSource::Driver; or package DBIx::DataSource::FooBase; use DBIx::DataSource::Driver; @ISA = qw( DBIx::DataSource::Driver ); DESCRIPTION
To implement a driver for your database: 1) If you can create a database with an SQL command through DBI/DBD, simply provide a parse_dsn class method which returns a list consisting of the *actual* data source to use in DBI->connect and the SQL. package DBIx::DataSource::NewDatabase; use DBIx::DataSource::Driver; @ISA = qw( DBIx::DataSource::Driver ); sub parse_dsn { my( $class, $action, $dsn ) = @_; # $action is `create' or `drop' # for example, if you parse parse $dsn for $database, # $sql = "$action $database"; # you can die on errors - it'll be caught ( $new_dsn, $sql ); } 2) Otherwise, you'll need to write create_database and drop_database class methods. package DBIx::DataSource::NewDatabase; sub create_database { my( $class, $dsn, $user, $pass ) = @_; # for success, return true # for failure, die (it'll be caught) } sub drop_database { my( $class, $dsn, $user, $pass ) = @_; # for success, return true # for failure, die (it'll be caught) } AUTHOR
Ivan Kohler <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2000 Ivan Kohler Copyright (c) 2000 Mail Abuse Prevention System LLC All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. BUGS
DBIx::DataSource, DBIx::DataSource::mysql, DBIx::DataSource::Pg, DBI perl v5.8.0 2000-09-25 DataSource::Driver(3)
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