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ausoundrecordtobucket(3) [debian man page]

AuSoundRecordToBucket(3)				     Library Functions Manual					  AuSoundRecordToBucket(3)

       AuSoundRecordToBucket - create a flow to record to a bucket.

       #include <audio/audiolib.h>
       #include <audio/soundlib.h>

       AuEventHandlerRec *AuSoundRecordToBucket(server, destination, source, gain, callback, callback_data, mode, flow, volume_mult_elem, status)
	   AuServer *server;
	   AuBucketID destination;
	   AuDeviceID source;
	   AuFixedPoint gain;
	   void (*callback) (AuServer *, AuEventHandlerRec *, AuEvent *, AuPointer);
	   AuPointer callback_data;
	   int mode;
	   AuFlowID *flow; /* RETURN */
	   int *volume_mult_elem; /* RETURN */
	   AuStatus *status; /* RETURN */

       server	 Specifies the connection to the audio server.

		 Specifies the bucket to record to.

       source	 Specifies the input device to record from.

       gain	 Specifies the gain for the input device.

       callback  Specifies the procedure to be called for additional event processing.

		 Specifies any additional arguments to be passed to the callback.

       mode	 Specifies the line mode for the input device.	Currently the following line modes are defined: AuDeviceInputModeNone, AuDeviceIn-
		 putModeLineIn, AuDeviceInputModeMicrophone.

       flow	 If non-NULL, returns the flow ID.

		 According to the comment in the source, not implemented.

       status	 If non-NULL, flush the output buffer and return the status from the server.

       AuSoundRecordToBucket creates a flow to record from source into destination and returns a pointer to the event handler created or  NULL	if
       there was an error.

       AuBadBucket, AuBadDevice.

See Also
       AuSoundRecord, AuSoundRecordToData, AuSoundRecordToFile, AuSoundRecordToFileN.

       audiolib - Network Audio System C Language Interface

soundlib							       1.9.3						  AuSoundRecordToBucket(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

AuSoundRecordToData(3)					     Library Functions Manual					    AuSoundRecordToData(3)

       AuSoundRecordToData - create a flow to record to memory.

       #include <audio/audiolib.h>
       #include <audio/soundlib.h>

       AuEventHandlerRec  *AuSoundRecordToData(server, sound, data, source, gain, callback, callback_data, line_mode, flow, volume_mult_elem, sta-
	   AuServer *server;
	   Sound sound;
	   AuPointer data;
	   AuDeviceID source;
	   AuFixedPoint gain;
	   void (*callback) (AuServer *, AuEventHandlerRec *, AuEvent *, AuPointer);
	   AuPointer callback_data;
	   int line mode;
	   AuFlowID *flow;
	   int *volume_mult_elem;
	   AuStatus *status;

       server	 Specifies the connection to the audio server.

       sound	 Specifies the description if the audio data.

       data	 Specifies where to write the data.

       Source	 Specifies the input device to record from.

       gain	 Specifies the gain for the input device.

       callback  Specifies the procedure to be called for additional event processing.

		 Specifies any additional arguments to be passed to callback.

       line_mode Specifies the line mode for the input device.	Currently the following line modes are defined: AuDeviceInputModeNone, AuDeviceIn-
		 putModeLineIn, AuDeviceInputModeMicrophone.

       flow	 If non-NULL, returns the flow ID.

		 Accord to the comment in the source, not implemented.

       status	 If non-NULL, flush the output buffer and return the status from the server.

       AuSoundRecordToData creates a flow to record from source to data and returns the event handler created or NULL if there was an error.


See Also
       AuSoundRecord, AuSoundRecordToBucket, AuSoundRecordToFile.  AuSoundRecordToFileN.

       audiolib - Network Audio System C Language Interface

soundlib							       1.9.3						    AuSoundRecordToData(3)
Man Page