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ecaccess-event-grant(1p) [debian man page]

ECACCESS-EVENT-GRANT(1p)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				  ECACCESS-EVENT-GRANT(1p)

ecaccess-event-grant - Grant usage of an ECaccess Event SYNOPSIS
ecaccess-event-grant -version|-help|-manual ecaccess-event-grant [-debug] [-subscribe] [-notify] event-id user-list DESCRIPTION
Allow managing the Event permissions for a list of user(s). The permissions can be either subscribe, notify, both or none. In order to remove permissions to an Event for a list of users use this command with no -subscribe and -notify options. ARGUMENTS
event-id The identifier of the Event to grant. user-list The user(s) to give/remove the permissions. Multiple users should be separated by a column (e.g. abc,def). OPTIONS
-subscribe The user(s) specified in the user-list will be allowed to subscribe to the event-id (e.g. with the -eventIds option of the ecaccess-job-submit command). -notify The user(s) specified in the user-list will be allowed to send notifications to the event-id (e.g. with the ecaccess-event-send command). -version Display version number and exits. -help Print a brief help message and exits. -manual Prints the manual page and exits. -debug Display the SOAP messages exchanged. EXAMPLES
ecaccess-event-grant -subscribe 167 abc,def,jhi Allow the users abc, def and jhi to subscribe to this Event. ecaccess-event-grant 167 jkl Remove all rights to the Event for the user jkl. SEE ALSO
ecaccess-event-clear, ecaccess-event-delete, ecaccess-event-send, ecaccess-event-list, ecaccess-event-create and ecaccess. perl v5.14.2 2012-04-16 ECACCESS-EVENT-GRANT(1p)

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ECACCESS-FILE-MODTIME(1p)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				 ECACCESS-FILE-MODTIME(1p)

ecaccess-file-modtime - Show the Last Modification Time of an ECaccess File SYNOPSIS
ecaccess-file-modtime -version|-help|-manual ecaccess-file-modtime [-debug] ecaccess-file DESCRIPTION
Allow showing the Last Modification Time of ecaccess-file. The ecaccess-file is in the form [domain:][/user-id/]path. Please read the "Shell commands -> File Management" section of the "ecaccess" guide for more information on the ECaccess File System. ARGUMENTS
ecaccess-file The name of the ECaccess File to show the Last Modification Time. OPTIONS
-version Display version number and exits. -help Print a brief help message and exits. -manual Prints the manual page and exits. -debug Display the SOAP messages exchanged. EXAMPLES
ecaccess-file-modtime bin/a.out Display the Last Modification Time of the a.out File in the $HOME/bin directory of the authenticated user. SEE ALSO
ecaccess-file-delete, ecaccess-file-get, ecaccess-file-mget, ecaccess-file-chmod, ecaccess-file-mput, ecaccess-file-rmdir, ecaccess-file- copy, ecaccess-file-dir, ecaccess-file-mdelete, ecaccess-file-mkdir, ecaccess-file-move, ecaccess-file-put, ecaccess-file-size and ecaccess. perl v5.14.2 2012-04-16 ECACCESS-FILE-MODTIME(1p)
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