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xmms2-mdns-avahi(1) [debian man page]

XMMS2-MDNS-AVAHI(1)					      General Commands Manual					       XMMS2-MDNS-AVAHI(1)

xmms2-mdns-avahi - announces XMMS2 via mDNS SYNOPSIS
xmms2-mdns-avahi DESCRIPTION
XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS ( music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plugins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. xmms2-mdns-avahi is the Avahi mDNS announcing client for XMMS2. xmms2-mdns-avahi is designed to announce the presence of an accessible XMMS2 TCP socket if one is available. xmms2-mdns-avahi offers a _xmms2._tcp service if, and only if, the XMMS_PATH_FULL enviornmental variable contains a TCP socket. This allows clients that support mDNS discovery to easily locate and connect to this xmms2d(1) instance. ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES
XMMS_PATH_FULL A complete list of URL paths separated by ';' pointed to the xmms2d(1). See IPC SOCKET in xmms2d(1) for details of possible values for this variable SEE ALSO
xmms2(1), xmms2d(1), HISTORY
The XMMS2 Project was started by Tobias Rundstrom and Anders Gustafsson. It is developed with their lead by a small group of contributers from all over the world. AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Alexander Botero-Lowry <> XMMS2-MDNS-AVAHI(1)

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XMMS2-LAUNCHER(1)					      General Commands Manual						 XMMS2-LAUNCHER(1)

xmms2-launcher - XMMS2 daemon launcher SYNOPSIS
xmms2-launcher [ -? / --help ] xmms2-launcher [ -l logfile / --logfile= logfile] [ -P pidfile / --pidfile= pidfile] [ --verbose ] DESCRIPTION
XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS ( music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultane- ous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plugins. On top of this, there is a flexi- ble media library to organise your music. xmms2-launcher starts xmms2d(1) in the background. The main feature is that it does not exit until the IPC system of XMMS2 is available, meaning that as soon as the xmms2-launcher process has exited successfully xmms2d(1) is ready to accept commands. xmms2-launcher includes command line options to change the way in which the daemon is invoked. These options are currently recognised: -l logfile / --logfile=logfile Write log file to logfile instead of the default log file location - P pidfile / --pidfile=pidfile Write the pid of xmms2d to the file specified by pidfile --verbose Increases the vebosity of xmms2-launcher -? / --help Show help options FILES
$XDG_CACHE_HOME/xmms2/xmms2d.log The default location for a file where the log output of xmms2d(1) is redirected. Usually ~/.cache/xmms2/xmms2d.log. SEE ALSO
xmms2d(1), HISTORY
The XMMS2 Project was started by Tobias Rundstrom and Anders Gustafsson. It is developed with their lead by a small group of contributers from all over the world. AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Alexander Botero-Lowry <> XMMS2-LAUNCHER(1)
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