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tsql(1) [debian man page]

tsql(1) 							 FreeTDS Utilities							   tsql(1)

tsql - utility to test FreeTDS connections and queries SYNOPSIS
tsql { -S servername [-I interface] | -H hostname -p port } -U username [-P password] [-o options] tsql -C DESCRIPTION
tsql is a diagnostic tool provided as part of FreeTDS. It uses the TDS protocol directly to connect to Sybase or Microsoft SQL Servers, and allows the user to issue queries that test the capabilities of FreeTDS. tsql is *not* a replacement for a complete isql, such as sqsh ( It is designed to rely on the lowest level FreeTDS library, tdslib, as a way to isolate potential bugs in the protocol implementation. tsql can be run in two ways, one which uses the freetds.conf and one which connects directly using the server's hostname and port. When -S is used, FreeTDS uses the freetds.conf (or equivalent) and environment variables in the normal way to determine the server's ip address and port. You can use -I to specify a filename, overriding FreeTDS's configuration file search algorithm. The -H and -p parameters are provided especially for troubleshooting new configurations (or servers). Use of these parameters causes FreeTDS to ignore any freetds.conf and environment variables. OPTIONS
-S servername the Database Server to which to connect. -I interface a freetds.conf or interfaces file describing servername -H hostname the DNS hostname of the server -p port the port at which SQL Server is listening -U username database login name. If username is not provided, a domain login is attempted for TDS 7+ connections. -P password database password. -L list server "instances" (with -H) -C prints some of the compile-time configuration parameters. -o options apply the options specified to every command. f No footer [result count] h No header [titles] t Print time v Print version q Quiet NOTES
Typing "exit", "quit", or "bye" (or ^D) exits tsql. Typing "version" displays the TDS protocol version. Command batches may be separated with "go" or "GO". If "GO", the version string is reported before executing the batch. After prompting for the password, tsql will attempt to connect to the remote server. tsql displays a counter indicating the number of seconds that it is attempting to connect. Typically, tsql should immediately respond with a '1>' prompt. If you see the counter (1, 2, 3, ...), most likely tsql is unable to connect to the indicated server. If you can connect with "tsql -S servername", your basic FreeTDS installation is working. If you have suggestions for ways to make tsql more useful as a diagnostic tool, please recommend them to the FreeTDS mailing list for con- sideration. HISTORY
tsql first appeared in FreeTDS 0.60. AUTHORS
The tsql utility was written by Brian Bruns. BUGS
Several, to be sure, now that it's documented. :) doc 13 November 2011 tsql(1)

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defncopy(1)							 FreeTDS Utilities						       defncopy(1)

defncopy - extract procedures and views from a Microsoft server. SYNOPSIS
defncopy [-U username] [-P password] [-S server] [-D database] [-i input_file] [-o output_file] [-v] [owner.]object_name [[owner.]object_name...] DESCRIPTION
defncopy is a utility program distributed with FreeTDS. It replaces a similar program of the same name distributed by Sybase. defncopy reads the text of a stored procedure or view, and writes a script suitable for recreating the procedure or view. For tables, it reads the output of sp_help and constructs a CREATE TABLE statement, complete with CREATE INDEX, too. OBJECTS
owner is optional if you or the database owner is the owner of the procedure/view being copied. object_name is the name of the system object you wish to extract. OPTIONS
-U username database server login name. -P password database server password. -S server database server to which to connect. -D database database to use. Optional if the procedure/view being extracted is in your default database. -i input_file a script to apply to the database. Not currently implemented. -o output_file a file to hold the script, defaults to standard output. -v Show version information and copyright notice. NOTES
defncopy is a filter; it reads from standard input, writes to standard output, and writes errors to standard error. The -i and -o options override these, of course. defncopy makes use of the db-lib API provided by FreeTDS. This API is of course also available to application developers. EXIT STATUS
defncopy exits 0 on success, and >0 if the server cannot process the query. defncopy will report any errors returned by the server, but will continue processing. HISTORY
defncopy first appeared in FreeTDS 0.63. AUTHORS
The defncopy utility was written by James K. Lowden <> BUGS
Works only with Microsoft servers and ancient Sybase servers. Does not create primary keys. Many options are defined by Sybase that this version does not implement. Feel free to correct this situation. In theory, defncopy could apply/produce DDL for any system object, but at present only tables, procedures and views are supported, and only for extraction. doc 13 November 2011 defncopy(1)
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