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transition-check(1) [debian man page]


transition-check - check a package list for involvement in transitions SYNOPSIS
transition-check --help|--version transition-check [-f|--filename=FILENAME] [source package list] DESCRIPTION
transition-check checks whether any of the listed source packages are involved in a transition for which uploads to unstable are currently blocked. If neither a filename nor a list of packages is supplied, transition-check will use the source package name from debian/control. OPTIONS
-f, --filename=filename Read a source package name from filename, which should be a Debian package control file or .changes file, and add that package to the list of packages to check. EXIT STATUS
The exit status indicates whether any of the packages examined were found to be involved in a transition. 0 Either --help or --version was used, or none of the packages examined was involved in a transition. 1 At least one package examined is involved in a current transition. LICENSE
This code is copyright by Adam D. Barratt <>, all rights reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are free to redistribute this code under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. AUTHOR
Adam D. Barratt <> Debian Utilities 2013-12-23 TRANSITION-CHECK(1)

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transition-check - check a package list for involvement in transitions SYNOPSIS
transition-check --help|--version transition-check [-f|--filename=FILENAME] [source package list] DESCRIPTION
transition-check checks whether any of the listed source packages are involved in a transition for which uploads to unstable are currently blocked. If neither a filename nor a list of packages is supplied, transition-check will use the source package name from debian/control. OPTIONS
-f, --filename=filename Read a source package name from filename, which should be a Debian package control file or .changes file, and add that package to the list of packages to check. EXIT STATUS
The exit status indicates whether any of the packages examined were found to be involved in a transition. 0 Either --help or --version was used, or none of the packages examined was involved in a transition. 1 At least one package examined is involved in a current transition. LICENSE
This code is copyright by Adam D. Barratt <>, all rights reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are free to redistribute this code under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. AUTHOR
Adam D. Barratt <> Debian Utilities 2013-12-23 TRANSITION-CHECK(1)
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