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synce-remove-program(1) [debian man page]


synce-remove-program - removes a program from your device SYNOPSIS
synce-remove-program [-d LEVEL] [-p device_path] [-o UNLOAD_OPT] NAME ... DESCRIPTION
synce-remove-program removes a program on a device connected through SynCE. OPTIONS
-d LEVEL Set debug log level: 0 - No logging (default) 1 - Errors only 2 - Errors and warnings 3 - Everything -p PATH Path to device -h Display help message. -o UNLOAD_OPT Flags to pass to unload.exe on the remote device. Currently no flags are known, but this flag is here in case we find some. NAME The name of the program on the device. Program names are in the form "Provider Program". This is the same way the name will appear under Settings -> Remove programs on your device, or in the ouput from synce-list-programs. AUTHOR
David Eriksson <>. SEE ALSO
synce(1) synce-list-programs(1) synce-install-cab(1) prun(1) The SynCE project November 2002 SYNCE-REMOVE-PROGRAM(1)

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synce-install-cab - install .cab file SYNOPSIS
synce-install-cab [-d LEVEL] [-p device_path] [-o WCE_OPT] [-n] FILENAME ... DESCRIPTION
synce-install-cab installs a .cab file on a device connected through SynCE. OPTIONS
-d LEVEL Set debug log level: 0 - No logging (default) 1 - Errors only 2 - Errors and warnings 3 - Everything -p PATH Path to device -h Display help message. -o WCE_OPT Flags to pass to wceload.exe on the remote device. Useful flags include: /noui - Install silently /delete 1 - Don't delete CAB file after installation /nouninstall - Don't create an uninstall file /askdest - Ask where to install /noaskdest - Get install information from registry -n Don't run wceload (just copy CAB files) FILENAME The .cab file(s) that will be installed. If no filenames are specified, wceload.exe will nontheless be run on the remote device; this will install any CAB files already copied, for example with the -n flag. AUTHOR
David Eriksson <>. SEE ALSO
synce(1) synce-remove-program(1) synce-list-programs(1) prun(1) pcp(1) The SynCE project November 2002 SYNCE-INSTALL-CAB(1)
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