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stompcat(1) [debian man page]

STOMPCAT(1)															       STOMPCAT(1)

stompcat - display output from an STOMP destination SYNOPSIS
stompcat /topic/foo DESCRIPTION
This program will display the output that arrives at the /topic/foo stomp destination. ENVIRONMENT
STOMP_HOST Hostname or IP address of the STOMP server. If not set, "localhost" will be used. STOMP_PORT Port of the STOMP server. If not set, "61613" will be used. STOMP_USER Username of the STOMP server. STOMP_PASSWORD Password of the STOMP server. AUTHOR
LogicBlaze Inc This manual page was written by Jonas Genannt for the Debian Project. October 2011 STOMPCAT(1)

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Net::Stomp(3pm) 					User Contributed Perl Documentation					   Net::Stomp(3pm)

Net::Stomp - A Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol Client SYNOPSIS
# send a message to the queue 'foo' use Net::Stomp; my $stomp = Net::Stomp->new( { hostname => 'localhost', port => '61613' } ); $stomp->connect( { login => 'hello', passcode => 'there' } ); $stomp->send( { destination => '/queue/foo', body => 'test message' } ); $stomp->disconnect; # subscribe to messages from the queue 'foo' use Net::Stomp; my $stomp = Net::Stomp->new( { hostname => 'localhost', port => '61613' } ); $stomp->connect( { login => 'hello', passcode => 'there' } ); $stomp->subscribe( { destination => '/queue/foo', 'ack' => 'client', 'activemq.prefetchSize' => 1 } ); while(1) { my $frame = $stomp->receive_frame; warn $frame->body; # do something here $stomp->ack( { frame => $frame } ); } $stomp->disconnect; # write your own frame my $frame = Net::Stomp::Frame->new( { command => $command, headers => $conf, body => $body } ); $self->send_frame($frame); # connect with failover supporting similar URI to ActiveMQ $stomp = Net::Stomp->new({ failover => "failover://tcp://primary:61616" }) # "?randomize=..." and other parameters are ignored currently $stomp = Net::Stomp->new({ failover => "failover:(tcp://primary:61616,tcp://secondary:61616)?randomize=false" }) # Or in a more natural perl way $stomp = Net::Stomp->new({ hosts => [ { hostname => 'primary', port => 61616 }, { hostname => 'secondary', port => 61616 }, ] }); DESCRIPTION
This module allows you to write a Stomp client. Stomp is the Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol (or the Protocol Briefly Known as TTMP and Represented by the symbol :ttmp). It's a simple and easy to implement protocol for working with Message Orientated Middleware from any language. Net::Stomp is useful for talking to Apache ActiveMQ, an open source (Apache 2.0 licensed) Java Message Service 1.1 (JMS) message broker packed with many enterprise features. A Stomp frame consists of a command, a series of headers and a body - see Net::Stomp::Frame for more details. For details on the protocol see <>. To enable the ActiveMQ Broker for Stomp add the following to the activemq.xml configuration inside the <transportConnectors> section: <transportConnector name="stomp" uri="stomp://localhost:61613"/> To enable the ActiveMQ Broker for Stomp and SSL add the following inside the <transportConnectors> section: <transportConnector name="stomp+ssl" uri="stomp+ssl://localhost:61612"/> For details on Stomp in ActiveMQ See <>. METHODS
new The constructor creates a new object. You must pass in a hostname and a port or set a failover configuration: my $stomp = Net::Stomp->new( { hostname => 'localhost', port => '61613' } ); If you want to use SSL, make sure you have IO::Socket::SSL and pass in the SSL flag: my $stomp = Net::Stomp->new( { hostname => 'localhost', port => '61612', ssl => 1, } ); If you want to pass in IO::Socket::SSL options: my $stomp = Net::Stomp->new( { hostname => 'localhost', port => '61612', ssl => 1, ssl_options => { SSL_cipher_list => 'ALL:!EXPORT' }, } ); Failover There is experiemental failover support in Net::Stomp. You can specify failover in a similar maner to ActiveMQ ( <>) for similarity with Java configs or using a more natural method to perl of passing in an array-of-hashrefs in the "hosts" parameter. Currently when ever Net::Stomp connects or reconnects it will simply try the next host in the list. Reconnect on "fork" By default Net::Stomp will reconnect, using a different socket, if the process "fork"s. This avoids problems when parent & child write to the socket at the same time. If, for whatever reason, you don't want this to happen, set "reconnect_on_fork" to 0 (either as a constructor parameter, or by calling the method). connect This connects to the Stomp server. You may pass in a "login" and "passcode" options. You may also pass in 'client-id', which specifies the JMS Client ID which is used in combination to the activemqq.subscriptionName to denote a durable subscriber. $stomp->connect( { login => 'hello', passcode => 'there' } ); send This sends a message to a queue or topic. You must pass in a destination and a body. $stomp->send( { destination => '/queue/foo', body => 'test message' } ); To send a BytesMessage, you should set the field 'bytes_message' to 1. send_transactional This sends a message in transactional mode and fails if the receipt of the message is not acknowledged by the server: $stomp->send_transactional( { destination => '/queue/foo', body => 'test message' } ) or die "Couldn't send the message!"; If using ActiveMQ, you might also want to make the message persistent: $stomp->send_transactional( { destination => '/queue/foo', body => 'test message', persistent => 'true' } ) or die "Couldn't send the message!"; disconnect This disconnects from the Stomp server: $stomp->disconnect; subscribe This subscribes you to a queue or topic. You must pass in a destination. The acknowledge mode defaults to 'auto', which means that frames will be considered delivered after they have been sent to a client. The other option is 'client', which means that messages will only be considered delivered after the client specifically acknowledges them with an ACK frame. Other options: 'selector': which specifies a JMS Selector using SQL 92 syntax as specified in the JMS 1.1 specificiation. This allows a filter to be applied to each message as part of the subscription. 'activemq.dispatchAsync': should messages be dispatched synchronously or asynchronously from the producer thread for non-durable topics in the broker. For fast consumers set this to false. For slow consumers set it to true so that dispatching will not block fast consumers. 'activemq.exclusive': Would I like to be an Exclusive Consumer on a queue. 'activemq.maximumPendingMessageLimit': For Slow Consumer Handlingon non-durable topics by dropping old messages - we can set a maximum pending limit which once a slow consumer backs up to this high water mark we begin to discard old messages. 'activemq.noLocal': Specifies whether or not locally sent messages should be ignored for subscriptions. Set to true to filter out locally sent messages. 'activemq.prefetchSize': Specifies the maximum number of pending messages that will be dispatched to the client. Once this maximum is reached no more messages are dispatched until the client acknowledges a message. Set to 1 for very fair distribution of messages across consumers where processing messages can be slow. 'activemq.priority': Sets the priority of the consumer so that dispatching can be weighted in priority order. 'activemq.retroactive': For non-durable topics do you wish this subscription to the retroactive. 'activemq.subscriptionName': For durable topic subscriptions you must specify the same clientId on the connection and subscriberName on the subscribe. $stomp->subscribe( { destination => '/queue/foo', 'ack' => 'client', 'activemq.prefetchSize' => 1 } ); unsubscribe This unsubscribes you to a queue or topic. You must pass in a destination: $stomp->unsubcribe({ destination => '/queue/foo' }); receive_frame This blocks and returns you the next Stomp frame. my $frame = $stomp->receive_frame; warn $frame->body; # do something here The header bytes_message is 1 if the message was a BytesMessage. By default this method will block until a frame can be returned. If you wish to wait for a specified time pass a "timeout" argument: # Wait half a second for a frame, else return undef $stomp->receive_frame({ timeout => 0.5 }) can_read This returns whether there is new data is waiting to be read from the STOMP server. Optionally takes a timeout in seconds: my $can_read = $stomp->can_read; my $can_read = $stomp->can_read({ timeout => '0.1' }); "undef" says block until something can be read, 0 says to poll and return immediately. ack This acknowledges that you have received and processed a frame (if you are using client acknowledgements): $stomp->ack( { frame => $frame } ); send_frame If this module does not provide enough help for sending frames, you may construct your own frame and send it: # write your own frame my $frame = Net::Stomp::Frame->new( { command => $command, headers => $conf, body => $body } ); $self->send_frame($frame); SEE ALSO
Net::Stomp::Frame. AUTHORS
Leon Brocard <>, Thom May <>, Michael S. Fischer <>, Ash Berlin <> CONTRIBUTORS
Paul Driver <>, Andreas Faafeng <>, Vigith Maurice <>, Stephen Fralich <>, Squeeks <>, Chisel Wright <>, COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2006-9, Leon Brocard Copyright (C) 2009, Thom May, Copyright (C) 2010, Ash Berlin, Copyright (C) 2010, Michael S. Fischer This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.14.2 2012-03-15 Net::Stomp(3pm)
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