Preventing the sleep mode in Solaris

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Preventing the sleep mode in Solaris
# 1  
Old 06-28-2011
Preventing the sleep mode in Solaris

Hi ,

I am working on a Solaris server which goes to sleep mode if idle for more than 30 min. I have a remote access so that I can access the server from my home too. By the time I go back to my room, it is going to sleep mode so I could see nothing but a black screen. Is there any option to keep it alive all the time using scripts.
# 2  
Old 06-28-2011
Maybe Solaris forum is better, my UNIX never sleeps. Why does it not wake up when you move your mouse or such?
# 3  
Old 06-28-2011
I am working on a Solaris server which goes to sleep mode if idle for more than 30 min.
What hardware do you have?
What version of Solaris are you running?
What actually happens when it "goes to sleep mode"? Any messages? Any symptoms? Does an external "ping" wake it up?
Do you see the problem while next to server and before you go home?

First guess is that your server hardware BIOS has one or more powersave options set which are powering down parts of the server after 30 minutes.
Server software installed on a PC maybe?
# 4  
Old 06-29-2011
Moving mouse doesnt seem to work. Even if I move my mouse I could see only the black screen. I guess the powersave option is installed and I dont have the permission to change it. Smilie That could be the problem!!!
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