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rabbit-theme-manager(1) [debian man page]

RABBIT-THEME-MANAGER(1) 				       rabbit-theme-manager					   RABBIT-THEME-MANAGER(1)

rabbit-theme-manager - Theme browser for Rabbit SYNOPSIS
rabbit-theme-manager [options] [COMMAND] DESCRIPTION
[COMMAND] is one of them: [generate, browse] (generate) -I, --include [PATH] Add [PATH] to load path. --startup-theme [THEME] Show [THEME] when startup. () -w, --width [WIDTH] Set window width to [WIDTH]. (600) -h, --height [HEIGHT] Set window height to [HEIGHT]. (400) -S, --size [WIDTH],[HEIGHT] Set window width and height to [WIDTH] and [HEIGHT]. (600,400) --theme-doc-dir [DIR] Specify theme document directory as [DIR]. --locales [LOC1,LOC2,...] Specify target locales as [LOC1,LOC2,...]. ([en, ja, fr]) Common options --locale-dir=DIR Specify locale dir as [DIR]. (auto) --logger-type=TYPE Specify logger type as [TYPE]. Select from [stderr, gui]. (STDERR) --log-level=LEVEL Specify log level as [LEVEL]. Select from [debug, info, warning, error, fatal, unknown]. (info) --help Show this message. --version Show version. rabbit-theme-manager 1.0.7 June 2012 RABBIT-THEME-MANAGER(1)

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RABBIT-COMMAND(1)						  rabbit-command						 RABBIT-COMMAND(1)

rabbit-command - commandline utility for Rabbit SYNOPSIS
rabbit-command [options] DESCRIPTION
--rabbit-uri=URI Specify Rabbit's dRuby URI as [URI]. (druby://localhost:10101) --druby-uri=URI Deprecated. Use --rabbit-uri instead. Specify Rabbit's dRuby URI as [URI]. (druby://localhost:10101) Move commands --previous Move to previous --next Move to next --previous-slide Move to the previous slide --next-slide Move to the next slide --first-slide Move to the first slide --last-slide Move to the last slide --jump-to=N Move to the Nth slide Get commands --source Show source --current-slide-rd Show the current slide source as RD Control commands --toggle-fullscreen Toggle fullscreen --toggle-index-mode Toggle index mode --toggle-whiteout Toggle whiteout --toggle-blackout Toggle blackout --quit Quit Common options --locale-dir=DIR Specify locale dir as [DIR]. (auto) --logger-type=TYPE Specify logger type as [TYPE]. Select from [stderr, gui]. (STDERR) --log-level=LEVEL Specify log level as [LEVEL]. Select from [debug, info, warning, error, fatal, unknown]. (info) --help Show this message. --version Show version. rabbit-command 1.0.7 June 2012 RABBIT-COMMAND(1)
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