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packxxk(1) [debian man page]

packxxk(1)						      General Commands Manual							packxxk(1)

packxxk - pack TI graphing calculator software files SYNOPSIS
packxxk [ -t type ] [ -d date ] [ -o xxkfile ] appfile ... DESCRIPTION
packxxk is a program to generate Flash Application and OS files for the Texas Instruments TI-73, TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus, TI-89, and TI-92 Plus graphing calculators. The files generated are in the ``TIFL'' format used by recent versions of TI's GraphLink and TI-Connect soft- ware. The input file to packxxk must be in TI-Hex or TIFL format to begin with, and (in order for the application to be installed) it must have been digitally signed before being packed. packxxk does not do this, nor does it check for the presence of a signature. You can use rab- bitsign(1) to sign applications in several common formats. If multiple input files are specified, packxxk creates a multi-part TIFL file. OPTIONS -t type Specify the type of program (e.g., `8xk' for a TI-83 Plus application, or `73u' for a TI-73 operating system.) The default behavior is to infer the program type from the name of the input file. (If the input file does not have a recognized suffix, the type is guessed based on the contents of the program header.) -c id Manually specify the calculator device ID (e.g., 0x73 for the TI-83 Plus, or 0x74 for the TI-73.) -d [ month/day/year | day-month-year ] Manually specify the date stamp for the application. The default is to use the current date in the local time zone. -o xxkfile Specify the output file name (default is to write to standard output.) SEE ALSO
rabbitsign(1) AUTHOR
Benjamin Moody <> RabbitSign 2.0 July 2009 packxxk(1)

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rotatelogs(8)						      System Manager's Manual						     rotatelogs(8)

rotatelogs - rotate Apache logs without having to kill the server SYNOPSIS
rotatelogs logfile rotationtime [offset] DESCRIPTION
rotatelogs is a simple program for use in conjunction with Apache's piped logfile feature, which can be used like this: CustomLog "|bin/rotatelogs /var/logs/logfile 86400" common This creates the files /var/logs/logfile.nnnn where nnnn is the system time at which the log nominally starts (this time will always be a multiple of the rotation time, so you can synchronize cron scripts with it). At the end of each rotation time (here after 24 hours) a new log is started. OPTIONS
logfile The path plus basename of the logfile. If logfile includes any Otherwise, the suffix .nnnnnnnnnn is automatically added and is the time in seconds. Both formats compute the start time from the beginning of the current period. rotationtime The rotation time in seconds. offset The number of minutes offset from UTC. If omitted, zero is assumed and UTC is used. For example, to use local time in the zone UTC -5 hours, specify a value of -300 for this argument. PORTABILITY
The following logfile format string substitutions should be supported by all strftime(3) implementations, see the strftime(3) man page for library-specific extensions. %A full weekday name (localized) %a 3-character weekday name (localized) %B full month name (localized) %b 3-character month name (localized) %c date and time (localized) %d 2-digit day of month %H 2-digit hour (24 hour clock) %I 2-digit hour (12 hour clock) %j 3-digit day of year %M 2-digit minute %m 2-digit month %p am/pm of 12 hour clock (localized) %S 2-digit second %U 2-digit week of year (Sunday first day of week) %W 2-digit week of year (Monday first day of week) %w 1-digit weekday (Sunday first day of week) %X time (localized) %x date (localized) %Y 4-digit year %y 2-digit year %Z time zone name %% literal `%' SEE ALSO
httpd(8) March 2001 rotatelogs(8)
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