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nnpost(1) [debian man page]

NNPOST(1)						      General Commands Manual							 NNPOST(1)

nnpost - post news articles (nn) SYNOPSIS
nnpost [ -dksy string ] [ -f file ] [ -p ] [ group... ] DESCRIPTION
nnpost is used to post new articles using nn's normal interface, but without entering nn in reading mode. When started, it reads the init file and then directly executes nn's :post command. It will prompt for a (comma-separated) list of news groups, the article subject, a list of keywords, a summary, and the distribution of the article. Each of these prompts can also be supplied via command line options or arguments as described below. When prompted for the "Newsgroup:", entering a ? as the first key will cause nnpost to list all the known news groups and their purpose (if this information is available). You can also enter / followed by a word or regular expression which will cause nnpost to produce a (much) shorter listing only containing the groups whose name and/or purpose description matches the regular expression. When paging through either list, you can enter q to quit the listing. If a source file is specified with -f it will be used as the initial article body. If the -p option is also specified, the article is posted directly without editing. nnpost can be used to do unattended postings if sufficient arguments are provided on the command line to build the header and the body of the article. The required arguments are: one or more newsgroups, a subject (-s), a source file (-f), a distribution (-d), and the -p option. Other fields which are not specified (e.g. keywords) will not be included in the header. The contents of the news-header variable in the init file will be included in the header. OPTIONS
-d distribution Use the specified distribution for the article. -k "keywords" Associate the specified keywords with the article. -s "subject" Use the specified subject for the new article. -y "summary" Include the given summary in the article header. -f file Read the article body from the specified file. -p Post the article specified with -f without editing. FILES
~/.nn/init The control variables for nnpost. SEE ALSO
nn(1) AUTHOR
Kim F. Storm, Texas Instruments A/S, Denmark E-mail: 4th Berkeley Distribution Release 6.6 NNPOST(1)

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News::Scan::Article(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				  News::Scan::Article(3pm)

News::Scan::Article - collect information about news articles SYNOPSIS
use News::Scan::Article; my $art = News::Scan::Article->new( ARG, [ OPTIONS, ] SCAN ); DESCRIPTION
This module provides a derived class of "Mail::Internet" whose objects are suitable for digesting Usenet news articles. CONSTRUCTOR
new ( ARG, [ OPTIONS, ] SCAN-OBJ ) The "ARG" and "OPTIONS" parameters are identical to those required by "Mail::Internet", except "ARG" is required. See Mail::Internet. The "SCAN" parameter should be a "News::Scan" object. See News::Scan. If the article falls into the period of interest for "SCAN", the object is returned, else "undef". METHODS
group ( [ SCAN-OBJ ] ) Sets or returns an object's group depending on whether "SCAN-OBJ" is present. author Returns the article's author represented as a "Mail::Address" object. message_id Returns the article's Message-ID. subject Returns the article's subject. newsgroups Returns the list of newsgroups this article was posted to. size Returns the size of this article in bytes. header_size Returns the size of this article's header in bytes. header_lines Returns the number of lines consumed in this article by headers. body_size Returns the size of this article's body in bytes. body_lines Returns the number of lines consumed in this article by the body. orig_size Returns the size of this article's original content in bytes. See "QuoteRE" in News::Scan. orig_lines Returns the number of lines consumed in this article by original content. Keep in mind that original content is a subset of the body. sig_size Returns the size of this article'ss signature in bytes. sig_lines Returns the number of lines consumed in this article by the signature. SEE ALSO
News::Scan, Mail::Internet, Mail::Address AUTHOR
Greg Bacon <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 1997 Greg Bacon. All Rights Reserved. This library is free software. You may distribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.10.1 2000-08-09 News::Scan::Article(3pm)
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