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nccgen(1) [debian man page]

nccgen(1)							      nccgen								 nccgen(1)

nccgen - source code analysis SYNOPSIS
nccgen file.c DESCRIPTION
nccgen is a program that can help you hack/study the source code of C programs. It will report which functions call which other functions, which functions are called by other functions and what global variables and members of structures are used by functions. This is useful if you want to analyse a program and eventually hack it. USAGE
To use nccgen find the Makefile of the program you want to analyse. In the Makefile locate the line which sets the C compiler. That is usually something like CC = gcc and you must change it to CC = nccgen -ncgcc -ncld -ncfabs. Then compile the application. It may be useful to also replace AR = ar with AR = nccar and LD = ld with LD = nccld to link nccout object files. OUTPUT
nccgen will produce a file with nccout extension for every C file analysed. Then you can use the viewer nccnav (with nccnav program.nccout ) to view this data and do your work. If the procedure of make links object files with "ar" or "ld" you should manually link the produced .nccout files. AUTHORS
The homepage of the ncc project is: SEE ALSO
The documentation included in the package. Linux 8 Mar 2003 nccgen(1)

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NCCNAV(1)						      General Commands Manual							 NCCNAV(1)

nccnav, nccnavi - explore the output of nccgen on a text-mode console SYNOPSIS
nccnav [] nccnavi [] DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the nccnav command which can be used to browse the output generated by nccgen on a set of C / C++ files. COMMANDS (Mode 1) When first invoked, nccnav will display a list of source files. Arrow keys / Page up / Page down Can be used to navigate to the desired file Enter Selects a file and takes the user to Mode 2 q Takes the user back to the previous screen O Displays a list of all the functions in the selected file a-z A-Z (except q) Moves the cursor to the function beginning with the specified character E Displays a list of all functions not called by any other function G Displays a list of all the global variables COMMANDS (Mode 2) This mode is oriented around a resource which can be a: file, function, global variable, member of structure, structure For any of the above, all the related resources are listed. For example, in the case of a <function> there are: 1. File(s) with <function> definition (may not exist) 2. Functions calling <function> (Blue) 3. Global variables used by <function> (Red) 4. <function-herself> 5. Functions called by <function> Dim grey: functions that do not call any other functions. Brown: functions that do call other functions. Red: Recursion detector alert (if enabled) 6. Structure members used by <function> (Dark grey) 1-6 <ENTER> Recursively enter MODE 2 for that resource. q Pressing enter on 4 or typing 'q' will return to the previous screen. BACKSPACE The INITIAL SCREENS with a longjmp. < The HISTORY MODE. r Pressing 'r' on a red 5 get you to the UNROLL MODE. m Pressing 'm' on a function will get you to the POP-UP MODE C Pressing 'C' will run system("bash") INTERNAL SOURCE VIEWER
Pressing <SPACE> on: ... a structure: Will extract and display the structure and declaration text. ... a function: Will display the function text as found in the file which contains the function definition. For this to work, nccnav must be in the correct root directory or paths should be absolute. The ncc option -ncfabs is rather useful. Note that if a function reports to be defined in more than one files, this will probably fail. This happens because ncc- gen does not distinguish different static functions with the same name. They are considered the same thing and their resources are mixed in nccnav. Currently, if nccnav detects more than one files for a function it will issue a warning. ... a file in Mode 2: Will display the contents of the entire file. By default, the internal source viewer uses less. When invoked via the nccnavi command, the source code is automatically indented and viewed through less. RECURSION DETECTOR
The recursion detector is enabled by default. It can be disabled by pressing 'R' while in MODE 2. (it's supposed to be expensive and may be confusing) The recursion detector works in MODE 2 and if the current resource is a function. In this case it will paint RED all the functions called by the current function, which will eventually lead back to it by some way of recursion. Pressing 'r' on one of the red ones will display one of the possible paths through which recursion can happen. Currently there is no way to view alternative paths. In this mode, 'q' will get you back while enter will proceed ahead deeper into MODE 2 for the selected resource. POPUP MODE
This is an alternative way to browse the call flow and is entered by pressing 'm' on a function in MODE 2. Pop-up menus are generated, where the top element is a function and below it all the functions called by it. Movement is possible with the UP/DOWN arrows. <enter> or RIGHT will expand a new pop-up for the current function. q or LEFT will close the current pop-up and activate the previous one. SPACE is available to view the source code. BACKSPACE will close all the popups and return to MODE 2. Pressing '2' will enter MODE 2 for the current selected element. In this case, HISTORY and BACKSPACE are set at this breakpoint. HISTORY MODE
At any time you can press '<' and '>' to browse through all the previous screens. <enter> on one of them will jump back to that screen. Any other key will exit the HISTORY MODE. EXAMPLE
Supposing you've compiled the linux kernel with nccgen. Collecting all the .nccout files can be done with : find . -name *.nccout | xargs cat > You can use pathremover to truncate long paths in `'. find . -name *.nccout | xargs cat | pathremover /mnt/src/hacks/linux-2.4.10/ > Then, that's viewed with: nccnav For more information on using nccgen on the Linux kernel, please refer to: /usr/share/doc/ncc/hacking.LINUX-KERNEL SEE ALSO
nccgen(1) AUTHOR
nccnav was written by Stelios Xanthakis <>. September 10, 2006 NCCNAV(1)
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