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mug(1) [debian man page]

MUG(1)							      General Commands Manual							    MUG(1)

mug - a graphical user interface for mu mail searches SYNOPSIS
mug [options] DESCRIPTION
mug is a program for doing e-mail searches, using the mu-backend for the actual searches and a GTK+ user-interface. mug is considered merely a toy-demonstration of the mu-framework, but can nevertheless be quite useful. If mug finds the bookmarks-file in the mu-home directory, the bookmarks from this file will be shown in mug as a list of buttons in the left toolbar. OPTIONS
--muhome causes mug to use an alternative directory to read its database and bookmarks and write its logs. By default, ~/.mu is used. BUGS
Please report bugs if you find them: AUTHOR
Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <> SEE ALSO
mu(1)mu-bookmarks(5) User Manuals November 2010 MUG(1)

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bookmarks - file with bookmarks (shortcuts) for mu search expressions DESCRIPTION
Bookmarks are named shortcuts for search queries. They allow using a convenient name for often-used queries. The bookmarks are are also visible as shortcuts in the mu experimental user interfaces, mug and mug2. mu supports bookmarks stored in a file called bookmarks in the mu home directory (typically, this would be ~/.mu/bookmarks). The bookmarks file is a typical key=value .ini-file, which is best shown by means of an example: [mu] inbox=maildir:/inbox # inbox oldhat=maildir:/archive subject:hat # archived with subject containing 'hat' The [mu] group header is required. For practical uses of bookmarks, see mu-find(1). LOCATION
The bookmarks file is read from <muhome>/bookmarks. Typically, this would be ~/.mu/bookmarks, but this can be influenced using the --muhome parameter for mu-find(1) and mug(1). AUTHOR
Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <> SEE ALSO
mu(1) mu-find(1) User Manuals May 2011 MU-BOOKMARKS(5)
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