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mcxclcf(1) [debian man page]

mcx clcf(1)							  USER COMMANDS 						       mcx clcf(1)

      mcx clcf - compute the clustering coefficient of a graph

      mcx clcf [options] [matrix-file]

      mcxclcf  is not in actual fact a program. This manual page documents the behaviour and options of the mcx program when invoked in mode clcf.
      The options -h, --apropos, --version, -set, --nop, -progress <num> are accessible in all mcx modes. They are described  in  the  mcx  manual

      mcx clcf [-abc <fname> (specify label input)] [-imx <fname> (specify matrix input)] [-tab <fname> (use tab file)] [-o <fname> (write to this
      file)] [-t <int> (use <int> threads)] [-J <intJ> (a total of <intJ> jobs are used)] [-j <intj>  (this  job  has  index  <intj>)]	[--summary
      (return mean clustering coefficient)] [-h (print synopsis, exit)] [--apropos (print synopsis, exit)] [--version (print version, exit)]

      mcx clcf computes the clustering coefficient of a graph.

      The  input  graph/matrix,  if specified with the -imx option, has to be in mcl matrix/graph format. You can use label input instead by using
      the -abc option.	Refer to mcxio(5) for a description of these two input formats.  By default mcx diameter  reads  from  STDIN  and  expects
      matrix format.  To specify label input from STDIN use -abc -.

      -abc <fname> (label input)
	The file name for input that is in label format.

      -imx <fname> (input matrix)
	The file name for input. STDIN is assumed if not specified.

      -o <fname> (output file)
	The file name for output. STDOUT is the default output stream.

      -tab <fname> (use tab file)
	This  option causes the output to be printed with the labels found in the tab file.  With -abc this option will, additionally, construct a
	graph only on the labels found in the tab file.  If this option is used in conjunction with -imx the tab domain and the matrix domain  are
	required to be identical.

      --summary (return mean clustering coefficient)
	By  the  default a 1-column table (with row names included) is output, one row for each node. This option causes the output of the average
	clustering coefficient only.

      -t <int> (use <int> threads)
      -J <intJ> (a total of <intJ> jobs are used)
      -j <intj> (this job has index <intj>)
	Computing clustering coefficients is time-intensive for large graphs. If you have multiple CPUs available consider using as many  threads.
	Additionally  it  is possible to spread the computation over multiple jobs/machines. Conceptually, each job takes a number of threads from
	the total thread pool. If job control is used (the -J option is used) then the number of jobs should not exceed  the  number  of  threads.
	The  total number of threads divided by the total number of jobs defines the number of threads that will be used by the current job. Addi-
	tionally, the number of threads specified signifies the total added amount of all threads across all machines and must be the same for all
	jobs.  This  number is used by each job to infer its own set of tasks. The following set of options, if given to as many commands, defines
	three jobs, each running four threads.

	-t 12 -G 3 -g 0
	-t 12 -G 3 -g 1
	-t 12 -G 3 -g 2

      mcxio(5), and mclfamily(7) for an overview of all the documentation and the utilities in the mcl family.

  mcx clcf 12-068						      8 Mar 2012							 mcx clcf(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

mcx ctty(1)							  USER COMMANDS 						       mcx ctty(1)

      mcx ctty - compute betweenness centrality for network nodes

      mcx ctty [options] [matrix-file]

      mcxctty  is not in actual fact a program. This manual page documents the behaviour and options of the mcx program when invoked in mode ctty.
      The options -h, --apropos, --version, -set, --nop, -progress <num> are accessible in all mcx modes. They are described  in  the  mcx  manual

      mcx  ctty  [-abc	<fname> (specify label input)] [-imx <fname> (specify matrix input)] [-extent <int> (only consider paths of length at most
      <int>)] [-o <fname> (output file name)] [-tab <fname> (use tab file)] [-t <int> (use <int> threads)] [-J <intJ> (a total of <intJ> jobs  are
      used)]  [-j  <intj>  (this  job has index <intj>)] [-h (print synopsis, exit)] [--apropos (print synopsis, exit)] [--version (print version,

      mcx ctty computes betweenness centrality for all nodes in a graph, using the between centrality update algorithm from [1].

      The input graph/matrix, if specified with the -imx option, has to be in mcl matrix/graph format. You can use label input	instead  by  using
      the  -abc  option.   Refer  to  mcxio(5) for a description of these two input formats.  By default mcx diameter reads from STDIN and expects
      matrix format.  To specify label input from STDIN use -abc -.

      -abc <fname> (label input)
	The file name for input that is in label format.

      -imx <fname> (input matrix)
	The file name for input. STDIN is assumed if not specified.

      -o <fname> (output file name)
	The name of the file to write output to.

      -extent <int> (only consider paths of length at most <int>)
	This option will lead to different results. Results will still be informative however, being representative for the local context in which
	nodes reside. It does probably not make sense to use values smaller than four or five.

      -tab <fname> (use tab file)
	This  option causes the output to be printed with the labels found in the tab file.  With -abc this option will, additionally, construct a
	graph only on the labels found in the tab file.  If this option is used in conjunction with -imx the tab domain and the matrix domain  are
	required to be identical.

      -t <int> (use <int> threads)
      -J <intJ> (a total of <intJ> jobs are used)
      -j <intj> (this job has index <intj>)
	Computing  centrality  scores in a graph is time-intensive.  If you have multiple CPUs available consider using as many threads. Addition-
	ally it is possible to spread the computation over multiple jobs/machines.  Conceptually, each job takes a  number  of	threads  from  the
	total  thread  pool.  If  job control is used (the -J option is used) then the number of jobs should not exceed the number of threads. The
	total number of threads divided by the total number of jobs defines the number of threads that will be used by the current job.  Addition-
	ally,  the  number  of	threads specified signifies the total added amount of all threads across all machines and must be the same for all
	jobs. This number is used by each job to infer its own set of tasks.  The following set of options, if given to as many commands,  defines
	three jobs, each running four threads.

	-t 12 -G 3 -g 0
	-t 12 -G 3 -g 1
	-t 12 -G 3 -g 2

      [1]  Ulrik  Brandes, A Faster Algorithm for Betweenness Centrality.  Journal of Mathematical Sociology 25(2): 163-177, (2001).  http://cite-

      mcxio(5), and mclfamily(7) for an overview of all the documentation and the utilities in the mcl family.

  mcx ctty 12-068						      8 Mar 2012							 mcx ctty(1)
Man Page