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macchanger(1) [debian man page]

MACC(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   MACC(1)

macchanger - MAC Changer SYNOPSIS
macchanger [options] device DESCRIPTION
macchanger is a Linux utility for viewing/manipulating the MAC address for network interfaces. OPTIONS
macchanger accepts the following options: -h, --help Show summary of options. -V, --version Show version of program. -e, --ending Don't change the vendor bytes. -a, --another Set random vendor MAC of the same kind. -A Set random vendor MAC of any kind. -r, --random Set fully random MAC. -p, --permanent Reset MAC address to its original, permanent hardware value. -l, --list[=keyword] Print known vendors (with keyword in the vendor's description string) -m, --mac XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, --mac=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX Set the MAC XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -s, --show Prints the current MAC EXAMPLE
macchanger -A eth1 SEE ALSO
ifconfig (8) AUTHOR
Alvaro Lopez Ortega <>. December 1, 2002 MACC(1)

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MACTELNET(1)						      General Commands Manual						      MACTELNET(1)

mactelnet - A tool for telneting via MAC addresses SYNOPSIS
mactelnet [options] <MAC-Address|hostname> DESCRIPTION
This tool enables you to telnet other RouterOS or MAC-Telnetd enabled devices. You can connect to either a hostname or a MAC address. If specified, the hostname (identity) will be looked up via MNDP discovery. OPTIONS
These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax. A summary of options is included below. -n Do not use broadcast packets. A tad less insecure but requires root privileges. This means that ethernet packets will have the specified mac-address as the packet destination, instead of using the ethernet broadcast address. -t Amount of seconds to wait for a response on each interface. If you have several network interfaces, this is the timeout value per interface. -u Specify username. Without this option, you will need to enter the username in a interactive prompt. -p Specify password. Without this option, you will need to enter the password in a interactive prompt. -h Show summary of options. -v Show version of program. SEE ALSO
mndp(1), mactelnetd(1), macping(1). AUTHOR
mactelnet was written by Hakon Nessjoen <>. This manual page was written by Hakon Nessjoen <>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others). February 27, 2011 MACTELNET(1)
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