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kredentials(1) [debian man page]

kredentials(1)						      General Commands Manual						    kredentials(1)

kredentials - KDE system tray applet to monitor and update authentication tokens DESCRIPTION
Kredentials monitors the state of the user's Kerberos and AFS authentication tokens. It renews Kerberos tickets every hour up to the maxi- mum renewable lifetime of the tickets and informs the user when the renewable lifetime is reached. Each time Kerberos tickets are obtained, aklog(1) is run to obtain new AFS tokens. OPTIONS
-i|--inform Inform the user via a KDE "passive dialog" each time tickets are renewed. -d|--disable-aklog Don't run aklog to get new AFS tokens when renewing Kerberos creds. BUGS
There aren't really any major bugs, but the feature list can and should be expanded. The command line options should be migrated to GUI- configurable settings. The ticket renewal interval should be user-configurable. AUTHOR
Kredentials was written by Noah Meyerhans <> for The Infrastructure Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab. Please report any problems to CSAIL User's Guide 2004-08-29 kredentials(1)

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LOGIN(8)                                                      System Manager's Manual                                                     LOGIN(8)

login.krb5 - kerberos enhanced login program SYNOPSIS
login.krb5 [-p] [-fFe username] [-r | -k | -K | -h hostname] DESCRIPTION
login.krb5 is a modification of the BSD login program which is used for two functions. It is the sub-process used by krlogind and telnetd to initiate a user session and it is a replacement for the command-line login program which, when invoked with a password, acquires Ker- beros tickets for the user. login.krb5 will prompt for a username, or take one on the command line, as login.krb5 username and will then prompt for a password. This password will be used to acquire Kerberos Version 5 tickets (if possible.) It will also attempt to run aklog to get AFS tokens for the user. The version 5 tickets will be tested against a local krb5.keytab if it is available, in order to verify the tickets, before letting the user in. However, if the password matches the entry in /etc/passwd the user will be unconditionally allowed (permitting use of the machine in case of network failure.) OPTIONS
-p preserve the current environment -r hostname pass hostname to rlogind. Must be the last argument. -h hostname pass hostname to telnetd, etc. Must be the last argument. -f name Perform pre-authenticated login, e.g., datakit, xterm, etc.; allows preauthenticated login as root. -F name Perform pre-authenticated login, e.g., datakit, xterm, etc.; allows preauthenticated login as root. -e name Perform pre-authenticated, encrypted login. Must do term negotiation. CONFIGURATION
login.krb5 is also configured via krb5.conf using the login stanza. A collection of options dealing with initial authentication are pro- vided: krb5_get_tickets Use password to get V5 tickets. Default value true. krb_run_aklog Attempt to run aklog. Default value false. aklog_path Where to find it [not yet implemented.] Default value $(prefix)/bin/aklog. accept_passwd Don't accept plaintext passwords [not yet implemented]. Default value false. DIAGNOSTICS
All diagnostic messages are returned on the connection or tty associated with stderr. SEE ALSO
rlogind(8), rlogin(1), telnetd(8) LOGIN(8)
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