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kali(1) [debian man page]

KALI(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   KALI(1)

kali - draw tilings, frieze patterns, etc. DESCRIPTION
This is a minimal man page for kali and kaliprint. For information on how to use kali and kaliprint, see /usr/share/doc/kali/HELP, or use the online help screens. COPYRIGHT
See /usr/share/doc/kali/copyright. AUTHOR
See /usr/share/doc/kali/copyright. KALI(1)

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JLEX(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   JLEX(1)

jlex - lexical analyser generator for Java(tm) SYNOPSIS
jlex specfile DESCRIPTION
JLex takes the language specification in specfile and generates Java(tm) source code for a lexical analyser corresponding to the specifica- tion. The lexical analyzer source code is placed in a file whose name is the name of the JLex specification file, with the string ".java" added to the end. For example, if the JLex specification file is called foo.lex, the lexical analyzer source code file that JLex produces will be called The resulting lexical analyzer source code should be compiled with a Java compiler. This produces a lexical analyzer class file, which can then be used in your application. If the default settings have not been changed, the lexical analyzer class will be called Yylex and the class files will named Yylex.class and Yytoken.class. For more information, see the JLex manual in /usr/share/doc/jlex/manual.html. SEE ALSO
/usr/share/doc/jlex/manual.html, /usr/share/doc/jlex/bugs.html, /usr/share/doc/jlex/README. DIAGNOSTICS
jlex produces diagnostic output to inform you of its progress. BUGS
See /usr/share/doc/jlex/bugs.html for information about known bugs in JLex. Please report bugs in the Debian version of JLex to the Debian bug tracking system in the first instance. Otherwise, please contact A. Appel <>. AUTHOR
JLex was written by Elliot Joel Berk at Princeton University. It is now maintained by C. Scott Ananian. This manual page was written by Charles Briscoe-Smith <>, modified by Colin Watson <>, and is hereby con- tributed to the Public Domain. Please see the file /usr/share/doc/jlex/copyright for more information. TRADEMARK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
"Java" is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. 6 Aug 2001 JLEX(1)
Man Page

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