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jpeg2yuv(1) [debian man page]

jpeg2yuv(1)							MJPEG tools manual						       jpeg2yuv(1)

jpeg2yuv - Convert jpeg images to the yuv format. SYNOPSIS
jpeg2yuv [-b num] [-f num] [-I num] [-A ratio] [-L num] [-n num] [-l num] [-j filename] DESCRIPTION
jpeg2yuv decompresses a sequence of JPEG files and pipes the image data to stdout as a YUV4MPEG2 stream. Any JPEG format supported by lib- jpeg can be read. stdout will be filled with the YUV4MPEG2 movie data stream, so be prepared to pipe it on to mpeg2enc or to write it into a file. OPTIONS
jpeg2yuv accepts the following options: -b num Frame offset: skip output of the first 'num' frames. (default: 0) -f num Set the frame rate of stream accepts the same numbers. No default, this option has to be specified. -A ratio Sample aspect ratio. Default is square pixels (1:1) -I num interlacing mode: p = none / progressive t = top field first b = bottom field first No default, this option has to be specified. -L num 0 = non-interlaced (two successive fields per JPEG file) 1 = interlaced fields -l num Specifies the number of loops (default: 0 loops ) When this option is not used the given range of images is only processed once. If you use this option with num of -1 jpeg2yuv will loop forever writing the image to stdout. When you use n > 0 it will loop n-times till it finishes. -n num Specifies the number of frames to process. (default: all = -1) -j {1}%{2}d{3} Read JPEG frames with the name components as follows: {1} JPEG filename prefix (e g: picture_ ) {2} Counting placeholder (like in C, printf, eg 06 )) {3} File extension. Something like this: .jpg A correct description of the files could look like this: picture_%06d.jpg If this option is omited, the filenames are read from stdin. For example: $ls *jpg | jpeg2yuv -f 25 -I p > result.yuv -R 1 or 0 rescale YUV color values from 0-255 to 16-235 (default: 1) -v num Verbosity level (0, 1 or 2) BUGS
The frame rate description seems not to be up to date. The NTSC integer ratios seem not to be supported. As a workaround specify a PAL (25) or FILM (24) and set the right frame rate in mpeg2enc with the -F option. AUTHOR
This man page was written by Bernhard Praschinger. If you have questions, remarks, problems or you just want to contact the developers, the main mailing list for the MJPEG-tools is: For more info, see our website at SEE ALSO
mjpegtools(1), mpeg2enc(1), ppmtoy4m(1), yuv2lav(1), yuvdenoise(1), yuvmedianfilter(1), yuvscaler(1) MJPEG Linux Square 8 December 2001 jpeg2yuv(1)

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png2yuv(1)							MJPEG tools manual							png2yuv(1)

png2yuv - Convert PNG images to the YUV4MPEG stream format. SYNOPSIS
png2yuv [-b num] [-f num] [-I num] [-L num] [-n num] [-l num] [-j filename] DESCRIPTION
png2yuv decompresses a sequence of PNG files and pipes the image data to stdout as a YUV4MPEG2 stream. Any 8bit/pixel PNG format supported by libpng can be read. stdout will be filled with the YUV4MPEG movie data stream, so be prepared to pipe it on to mpeg2enc or to write it into a file. This tool is incomplete. The alternative utility you are probably looking for is ppmtoy4m(1), which is also included in MJPEGtools. OPTIONS
png2yuv accepts the following options: -b num Frame offset: skip output of the first 'num' frames. (default: 0) -f num Set the frame rate of stream accepts the same numbers. Not default, this option has to be specified. -I num interlacing mode: p = none / progressive t = top field first b = bottom field first No default, this option has to be specified. -L num 0 = non-interleaved (two successive fields per PNG file) 1 = interleaved fields -l num Specifies the number of loops (default: 0 loops ) -S samp_mode chroma subsampling mode, only for professionals, for more info see ppmtoy4m and the YUV guide on default: 420_jpeg When this option is not used the given range of images is only processed once. If you use this option and as number 1, jpeg2yv will loop forever writing the image to stdout. When you use n > 1 it will loop. n-time till it finishes. -n num Specifies the nummber of frames to process. (default: all = -1) -j {1}%{2}d{3} Read PNG frames with the name components as follows: {1} PNG filename prefix (e g: picture_ ) {2} Counting placeholder (like in C, printf, eg 06 )) {3} File extension. Something like this: .png A correct description of the files could look like this: picture_%06d.png -v num Verbosity level (0, 1 or 2) BUGS
The frame rate description does not seem to be up to date. The NTSC integer ratios are not supported (use floating point instead). As work- around specify a PAL (25) or native FILM (24) and set the right frame rate in mpeg2enc with the -F option. Interlaced handling is not implemented yet. AUTHOR
This man page was written by Gernot Ziegler. If you have questions, remarks, problems or you just want to contact the developers, the main mailing list for the MJPEG-tools is: For more info, see our website at SEE ALSO
mjpegtools(1), mpeg2enc(1), ppmtoy4m(1), yuv2lav(1), yuvdenoise(1), yuvmedianfilter(1), yuvscaler(1) MJPEG Linux Square 2 February 2003 png2yuv(1)
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